archer on huts


Cascaded Mansion
Nov 16, 2003
1.13 patched

Look at the Rome archer standing on a huts.

When this turn started, my Jaguar Warrior was standing on the NE tile, and could only see the huts but not the archer (fogged) - the archer just entered the huts tile one turn before.

Now I moved the JW to the tile it stands now to reveal the archer, but the huts didn't disappear. I could move the JW back and forth to reproduce this.

If at this location now I save it, and load the new save file, the huts would be gone.

But that's not all. Now if the JW stays at the NE tile until the archer leaves the huts, and then moves to the current location, the huts is still there!! But it's no effect. It would also disappear if you save/load again.

Save file is as follows:
Seems to be an gfx-update issue.
Even in vanilla, there's similar problems if you have a unit sitting next to your opponent's territory: e.g. there's a grassland tile shown w/o irrigation (plus no AI worker on that tile), although there *should* be irrigation. A gfx-update during the interturn (or sometimes when you move along that tile) causes the irrigation to appear 'all of a sudden' - it sometimes looks like an 'AI cheat', i.e. irrigation improvement w/o AI worker action. Save/reload would also update to the correct terrain improvement.
There has been a thread in Civ3 GD about the faulty graphics update a while back.

not exactly the thread I was looking for, but the mentioned issue goes in here as well:
Thread: Screen not updating.
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