Best civ to use to achieve tech victory/tips?


Jul 13, 2008
What civ is the best to use to achieve a Tech victory with? How should I accomplish this? Simply follow the tech tree to space flight?

Any help?
I would wager the Japanese. The Greeks are good as well with democracy and a courthouse, but the Japanese +1 food from sea tiles REALLY helps build up science cities that grow while creating trade.
Japanese, Greeks and Chinese.
I may say Japanese 1st.
I may say Japanese 1st.

Wow how so? because they can grow at the same time? Its little growth...

Chinese Begin with writing(have the ability to build the library before anyone), new cities get +1 pop (city can start teching once its made), Free literacy tech, 1/2 cost libraries 4 benefits all for teching!
Yesterday, I got my tech victory with the British on King Diffuculty.

Why in the hell would I get brits? Good defense. I was at war with 3 people, the WHOLE game, but it never slowed me down, and I won with 2 cities total.

It's all about how you want to play it out... :king:
The japanese can get really nice science cities on coasts or peninsulas, with harbors and the East India company you get 2 food and 3 science from the sea, and you can probably find some coral reefs and things down there as well.
Yeah I just won a tech victory with the Japanese on Diety. I won by 1988. Is that pretty good for a tech victory?

Anyway, I agree with the rest on the Japanese. They build tech so fast and grow while doing it. The Greeks are a close second imo especially if you get a good starting point.

Another civ worth mentioning is the Egyptians, but they are very dependent on what their starting wonder is and if they have access to a nice swath of desert tiles in the early game. IF it adds up right they can easily rival the Japanese but the Japanese are far more dependable.
if you want to tech upwards you'll have to do some of the following:

1. pick a civ that gets defensive bonuses rather than offensive:
starting with demo for the 50% bonus is fantastic
starting courthouse means you get access to the best tiles
pikemen mean you can rapidly expand in relative safety (its hard to beat a fortified army of pikes behind a wall even with cannons)

for the points mentioned already. definately geared towards tech supremacy

your primary science producing cities are all going to be coastal. their bonus lets you grow those cities faster which leads to a higher rate of tech.

the ability to use any resource can give you a HUGE leap forward if you start near dye. but this ability has a limited window of opportunity. still it might save you beakers if you don't have to deviate to a tech like monarchy

(if you're not going to run monarchy, or build the castle, and can already access dye you have no reason to research it)

their free wonder means possible colossus or pyramids. either one would be fantastic.
+1 food and +1 trade from desert squares is amazing and further increased by a trade post.

personally I tend to go with one of the economic civs instead, and use my gold producing city to rush buy libraries and such in my science cities.

but there are some distinct advantages to teching as hard as you can:

1st to the majority of techs. learn which ones give you bonuses

I.E. you should go pottary, masonry, irrigation (unless you're against the egyptians) hopefully you'll get a free wall at your capitol and +1 pop in all your cities.

1st to catapults which at the very least denies someone else a free catapult

1st to invention so you can build the workshop while teching to rifles. this increases your defence on a HUGE level and if you have a tech advantage nobody is likely to stop you
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