Beyond Deity (5 harder difficulties)


Oct 28, 2005
This mod adds five levels above deity. Honestly I dont think it is possible to win on all of the levels but who knows. Also this mod makes the settler difficulty even easier.


  • Beyond
    8.6 KB · Views: 573
RogerBacon said:
What are the changes? i.e. how badly does the AI cheat 5 levels beyond Diety?

Roger Bacon

On five levels above diety the ai gets free unit upgrades , war happyness , almost no upkeep , mining , AGRICULTURE, THE WHEEL , HUNTING , and ARCHERY as free techs , a giant worker rate increase (I think like %225...) , free money from inflation , nine starting defence units , 7 workers , 3 scouts , big animal and barb bonuses. If that wasnt enough your Maintenance is greatly increased. Your tech costs are %55 higher than noble , you start out with 2 unheathy faces and zero happy faces (your palace still gives you one face though). If I remember correctly you pay Maintenance on your capital too. Also barbs start attacking ONE turn after the start of the game.

The level above diety is a little more sane.

EDIT. Also the AI produces 10 times quicker than normal , meaning things like the Pyramids cost only 40 hammers...
Scizor2120 said:
On five levels above diety the ai gets free unit upgrades , war happyness , almost no upkeep , mining , AGRICULTURE, THE WHEEL , HUNTING , and ARCHERY as free techs , a giant worker rate increase (I think like %225...) , free money from inflation , nine starting defence units , 7 workers , 3 scouts , big animal and barb bonuses. If that wasnt enough your Maintenance is greatly increased. Your tech costs are %55 higher than noble , you start out with 2 unheathy faces and zero happy faces (your palace still gives you one face though). If I remember correctly you pay Maintenance on your capital too. Also barbs start attacking ONE turn after the start of the game.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

There will be a statue built in honor of the person who could beat that
Maybe a statue for the person who could somehow survive till the end of time... Or maybe survive for the first fifty turns xD.
It's an interesting idea for an entry level-mod, although I have no clue as to who would use it. Frankly, there gets to such a point that the game loses all meaning, and the way to victory is filled with such cheese that it is monotonous and silly.
I swear by the allmight code that Civ4 is made with, that I will worship anybody who can beat (with proof) this guys highest level. And I mean really worship, like with the sacrificing chickens and everything, or I could sacrifice a carrot if your a vegetarian.
maybe a statue to the one who wastes time trying it... ¿?
well i just tried the highest difficulty so where is my statue:lol: actually the hardest difficulty is not possible to win even in the future on a dual Archipelago small islands map to virtually stop the ai from expanding
well i just tried the highest difficulty so where is my statue:lol: actually the hardest difficulty is not possible to win even in the future on a dual Archipelago small islands map to virtually stop the ai from expanding

The few times I have tried the highest difficulty I lose around 1000 AD. Of course I play without barbs or war on that difficulty.
no offence but you wasted your time doing it no one can beat your highest its insane but well done through,seen as you can do that can you make a level which all civs ai-human are equal in all respects (3 units to start of with 1 settler 1 scout 1 warrior or 1 settler 2 warrior)
good idea ?
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