Civ4 Interview on CVG


Oct 25, 2000
12,499 has published an interview with Soren Johnson (lead designer) and Barry Caudill (senior producer). Topics discussed include the lasting appeal of the Civilization series, striking a balance between making hardcore fans happy and making the game accessible for newcomers, the way religion is implemented, AI testing, the importance of multiplayer, music selection, the opening theme song, Leonard Nimoy, and leader selection.

Below is a quote about the lasting appeal of Civilization from Soren Johnson:

I think it's two things that come together. First off it's a great topic, everyone wants to be king, everyone wants to rule the world. The other thing that makes it work is the turn-based gameplay that came about way back in 1991 - it's something that really hooks people into these multiple goals they're trying to accomplish over many, many turns. People feel like there's always something more to achieve: 'I gotta get that next tech', 'I gotta finish the Pyramids', 'I gotta found that next city'. So I think it's a match between great subject matter and really good gameplay mechanics. Either one on its own would be good, but I think them coming together is what makes Civilization special.
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