Classical Start on Higher Difficulties


Oct 26, 2013
If you started on Classical Era (or any other era for that matter), what advantages does the AI have? Obviously, Pottery is out of the question for King.
Wow. Literally never thought of this, I've only EVER played ancient starts my whole CiV life.

They can't get too many bonus techs; I remember people cheesing the Deity achievement with an information age start.
If you check the graphs after quickly retiring, you can get an idea of what the AI bonuses are.

In terms of tech, it looks like the AI start with all the Ancient era techs, just like you do, and no more. I think they still get some sort of advanced start bonus, but I don't know how it's applied.
I know there is an advanced start bonus, but also have no idea how it's applied.

I can confirm that the free techs are explicit techs (not just "X free techs"), so they are very likely to only apply on an Ancient start.
Wow. Literally never thought of this, I've only EVER played ancient starts my whole CiV life.

I usually start with Ancient era too, but sometimes, usually in Multiplayer, we start in Classical era to speed things up a bit.
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