Collection of Resources

Don't worry about, it's strictly a cosmetic thing, and a very minor one. I've added alot of new resources without ever changing that file, and I've never really noticed any difference.
So I can strategic resources - yes? how many?
also how many luxury resources can I add?

I am more concerned about functionality of the game/mod rather than more resources at all costs approach...

what are safe proven amounts of each that I can add without causing any probs?
There doesn't seem to be any limit for bonus or strategic resources. Luxuries used to be limited to 8, but supposedly they fixed that in the last patch as well.

I'm dubious about that though, since I had a crash when I first tried it out, and I think Luxuries might have had something to do with it. It could have been something else though, so I'm not positive. I'd suggest you leave those until the last, then back up your earlier changes, just in case.
Originally posted by teturkhan

what are safe proven amounts of each that I can add without causing any probs?

You'll have to experiment. There's a number called an appearance ratio which you can adjust. 1.29f has increased that to 900, from 300 before. If I understand it correctly from the help, that means a total of 90 of a particular resource in a game. Which is plenty.
Originally posted by teturkhan
I really don't have the time to test the resources out...

If you don't think you'll have time to test them, then you shouldn't even be thinking about doing a mod. There's a number of things that can go wrong, not to mention game balance issues. And if you don't spend the time to get everything working right, you're not going to end up with a very good mod.
play testing takes hours, especially to wait and see if a bug pops up... I know how the game works, and how to manipulate certain aspect in order to come up with a good mod, but to try new pics, resources etc that might cause a crash or the game to be unstable that is risky and thus the reason I am here.... seeing if any of you have tried such mods and how well they run...

matter of pooling our efforts and saving ourselves time...
I've been playing with extra resources ever since I got the game in November. Aside from Luxuries, and limits for icon graphics, I've had no problems. Both of these issues were dealt with in the latest patch however. Though like I said, it might be wise to leave the luxury changes to the end, just in case. Other than that, I'd say it's pretty safe to add whatever you want.

BTW, when I mentioned experimenting, what I had in mind was coming up with numbers that suited you, not what the game can handle. Making any changes to the default game is a purely subjective exercise, and IMO it's pointless using someone else's numbers as guides. All you need to get a start on that is the ones that are in the default game. If you're comfortable with those, then use them as the template for your own.
Bad cut and paste job,... most of the squares are offset in the
top and left side sqares by an iddy bit, leaving a pink 'L' around
the edges...

This is a rediculous error, which I hope, in noting the quality of
this addition, is fixed ASAP,... please!!!
C'mon, it can't be that difficult to nudge the bottom set of
larger resources up and to the left a bit,... surely would be
worth it.

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