Cyprus on the map


Apr 26, 2010
Hello there!

Started playing CIV some months ago and you all know what happened... total addiction.

Since I started to play the game I was extremely frustrated that Cyprus was omitted from the maps. Cyprus has been in the centre of ancient and not so-ancient wars and disputes and spheres of influence of tons of nations and cultures.

Just to name a few: Persians, Egyptians, Achaeans, Mycenaeans, Roman Empire, Venetians, Richard the Leonheart, Byzantium, Assyrians, Turks, Phoenicians, Great Britain, Franks, Hattians, Louzinians, Sea Peoples, Arabs, Ottoman Empire etc.

Also if it is included someday the two tiles should consist copper (Cyprus takes its name after it) and wine (Cypriot wine was famous in ancient era).

Even nowadays the less than 1m population is extremely mixed consisting, of Greekcypriots, Greeks, Turkishcypriots, Turks, Armenians, Maronites, English, Russian etc.

Having lived in EU, Balkans, Caucasus and now residing at Cyprus I can assure you, there is no other place in Europe where you can see the long history and the many influences, conquests etc just observing people's facial characteristics, language, religion, culture etc.
Maybe because the Colonization map only includes the Americas? :rolleyes:

Seriously, the main reason is that the Earth Map is too small to have Cyprus.
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