Daily Mail: Striking Teachers kill 13 year old girl

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Oh god... I'm not sure... SHUT DOWN TWITTER!!
Wow that's an awfully long way to go to link one thing to another. We could link some guy dying of not being able to afford cancer treatment to the GOP if we were that nuts!
I think you're too hard on the reporter. Philosophically, there's different types of causality and can be separated from legal/ethical guilt.. Obviously any legal causality would be with who maintained the park, if at all.

Sad story though.
It's a really weak argument to say that just because the teachers were striking that this girl died. Just because she wasn't in school, doesn't make it their fault entirely; she didn't have to sit under the tree, did she? No, she could have gone to a movie, or stayed at home. I'd catch up on sleep if school was cancelled!

Still, a very tragic occurrence. I'm not very pro-union myself, but this is a cheap, horrible tactic to try and gain political points.

Fake story is fake. Note the lack of a park bench in the photo.

Well, that's not entirely fair. How strong was the bench? It could have been damaged by the treebranch falling from such a height, could it have not? And been removed accordingly...

Doesn't excuse the really despicable political intent here.
This is like deja vu it's the damndest thing:

Store was out of cigarettes so I had to drive to another.

Chick at store 2 was hot but looked a bit drugged up.

Got her number, later that friday yada-yada-yada...

I have AIDS.

Ironic? I think not! Down with big tobacco!
Interesting to note that the journalist responsible for the article declined to be named...
Send all the Palm Trees back to whence they came!

We are happy with our Palm Trees in Torbay.

The local council has cut a lot of trees down in recent years but people people complain that there is no reason and it is a waste of money.

From Herald Express (local paper)

THE 'decimation' of trees in the grounds of Paignton's Parkfield House has been defended by Torbay Council.

Shocked resident Vernon Fey, who claims up to 50 trees have been felled, said: "It is absolute destruction, on a par with that at Rock Walk in Torquay."

.But the council says no healthy trees have been chopped down.

Oh god... I'm not sure... SHUT DOWN TWITTER!!

I swear that the headlines that appeared to me the first time seemed quite plausible.
Well WILL TEACHERS GIVE YOUR PENSION SWINE FLU? is almost plausible for the Mail.
This is like deja vu it's the damndest thing:

Store was out of cigarettes so I had to drive to another.

Chick at store 2 was hot but looked a bit drugged up.

Got her number, later that friday yada-yada-yada...

I have AIDS.

Ironic? I think not! Down with big tobacco!

I knew a friend who bought a used car. 30 years later BAM! Herpes!
Interesting to note that the journalist responsible for the article declined to be named...

Which does show how low they are, or perhaps it was every single reporter contributing?
Which does show how low they are, or perhaps it was every single reporter contributing?
I read something that said this was quite a big problem. Being anonymous while writing something means that you dodge a bad name so it happens quite a bit.
Moderator Action: There's no real discussion, and although the article's hilarity warrants this thread to be on the first page of OT, the thread attracts too much spam and borderline trolling, so it's closed.
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