Darkage Improvement Possible?


Aug 5, 2009
I've been playing your modmods since 2.71, just thought I might say excellent work on this its been so much fun. You'll be hearing from me on some errors if I come up with any on the beta9 release, but so far i've had none. But now to my dark ages idea, maybe you could create some kind of bar on the UI that tells you how close you are to having a dark age to help players prevent them. Maybe like a prosperity meter, or something along those lines. I have a bit of modding experience, but never tried with this game. I just thought of this as I fell into a dark age and my income fell immensely, kind of a bummer b/c I play Epic games all the time and takes forever for your economy to actually boom. Just let me know if this Idea is possible?
I can add it; I just need a good 24x24 pixel icon for it. I am a terrible graphics modder, so if someone could volunteer to make me a small Dark Age symbol, I'd add it in a heartbeat.
Not sure what symbol your looking for. Maybe others could post some idea's too?


  • Dark Ages.gif
    Dark Ages.gif
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That sounds cool, its really difficult to tell who's all in the dark ages. Is it easy to make like a meter telling you like a warning message before you hit bottom and go into a dark age. Know what I mean?
If not, a reclouring of the golden age symbol in either dark purple or black might work...
If not, a reclouring of the golden age symbol in either dark purple or black might work...

I was thinking the exact same thing.. I think it should be the same symbol with a couple minor adjustments like you said color, then maybe something for uniqueness. I'm not much of an picture editor, but I could probably muster something up couldn't be to hard. Can somebody attach the symbol to the next post?
If anyone has any Ideas on how to improve the Dark Ages and how to implement them please let me know. I like this feature it really makes the game more exciting just as long as there is only a couple dark ages through maybe each era. For example maybe a country with no state religion early on in the game, they may suffer a dark age due to no state religion. After all dark ages happened due to the lack of faith, when god or religion is taken out of the picture. Another good Idea is when a super-power crumbles, (example when the Roman Empire fell The Dark Ages happend.) Unrest filled the land with barbarians because all that land in France and Britain exc.. was all up for grabs after the Roman Empire Fell. Let me know what you all think of these small ideas. :D
Made one just now in ~2 minutes... a simple hue saturation change in blender.


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I think something like a crescent moon on a dark background for the Dark Age would look good. Sadly I am no Artis to make such a Icon.
I can try making that as the darkage coin instead of a sun on it.
EDIT: I think I forgot to put the alpha channel back on when I was done.


  • darkage3.jpg
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  • darkage3.zip
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I can try making that as the darkage coin instead of a sun on it.
EDIT: I think I forgot to put the alpha channel back on when I was done.

Dude that blue/purple crescent moon is beautiful :goodjob:
I hope you guys realize that no one can make anything that good in a few minutes right? It was a c/p from the internet i got here, photoshopped into a coin then colored it blue in blender then exported to dds.
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