[BNW] Deity Peaceful Tourism - How plausible is it?


Mar 20, 2015
I'm sure there have already been many threads on this so I apologize, but how plausible is it to win Tourism without killing (or maiming) the highest culture-producing AI's?

Even if you don't technically achieve a military victory, if you end up winning Tourism by killing 2-3 civs, then that seems more like a military victory to me than a tourism one.

Is it very possible on a standard 6p game to just lay back and win tourism without killing the AI's? The last game I played, by the end of the game (T197) the highest culture AI was around 30,000 culture, and the second place AI was not far behind. Even with Broadcast Towers, Hotels, Airports in all my cities and the Internet, I was making about 400 a turn but it would have been a very long time (if ever) before I could have won. Instead I took a detour into science victory which was much less exciting.
Was that standard pace? If you can hit Internet by T200, that should be more than good enough!

Peaceful Deity Tourism VC is hard and I think requires a lot of good luck (namely, none of the AIs can be terribly interesting in culture). I am a mediocre Deity player but have achieved peaceful Tourism VC with Polynesia and Brazil. I have been trying to replicate that success with France and India, but someone always launches before I can get there. The few guides available assert that Tourism VC is straightforward, but that has not been my experience.
Parthenon? Cathedrals? Is it possible to get those in Deity-level games?
If ever I'd try a Tourism Victory, I would go for those.
But until now I've never tried Tourism.
Sorry for not responding guys, I totally forgot about this thread. Anyways I play on Quick pace out of habit due to MP experience (and admittedly impatience to a degree).

In some of your peaceful tourism victory games, can you give me an example of the highest AI culture you had to compete with, as well as what game pace and other conditions you had?

If thread's dead then I understand, just thought I might try to get that info if possible because why not.
@Acken and some other top players have the timings down pat, but for me as struggling Deity player, I find peaceful Tourism VC quite difficult and subject to luck. The guides I have read on these forums were not enough of a script for me to follow.

I need an OP map or AI that just roll low culture flavors. Except for the GotM, I only play Standard pace, and I do not have the numbers you are looking for.
Sorry for not responding guys, I totally forgot about this thread. Anyways I play on Quick pace out of habit due to MP experience (and admittedly impatience to a degree).

In some of your peaceful tourism victory games, can you give me an example of the highest AI culture you had to compete with, as well as what game pace and other conditions you had?

If thread's dead then I understand, just thought I might try to get that info if possible because why not.

It starts to be hard if you cannot do multiple 7-8K+ musician bombs by T300 I think (rare that I go beyond T250 these days).

Culture victory is mostly speed based. The bigger your tech edge the better the difference between their CPT and your TPT.

For standard speed.

Please note that, unless fixed ,musician bombs at quick speed have a probably wrong formula and get shafted twice by a -33% penalty instead of once. So what would be a 10K musician in standard will be a 4.3K in quick. Having a single penalty is logical because you accumulate 33% less culture in the same amount of game pace so you need a 33% penalty in GM bombs. But the extra 33% is unjustified. This definetely makes Quick speed harder. Cant remember if they fixed it.
I agree. It's been a while since I last played Civ V, though I remember that after Domination on Deity, Peaceful Culture was the most difficult. Perhaps it's even more difficult than Domination.

I did it three times if I remember correctly. One was with Spain where I spawned next to Uluru. You can fill in the rest :) The other two was with Venice. From what I remember, you need a 1) really strong capital, I cannot emphasize this enough. You need to generate good bpt and get some key wonders. For both you need population and production, both of which are connected to your starting position 2) Favourable neighbours. Starting next to Harald, Attila, Shaka or Montezuma can give you a rough time early to mid game. 3) Key wonders such as Eiffel, Pisa, Sistine etc. , if nothing just to deny the culturemonger AI 4) Good diplomacy to avoid wars so you can grow, get open borders, sign RAs

I think I'll fire up a game today, you made me miss Civ V now. :D
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