Does Floating Gardens bonus apply to Lake Victoria?

Floating Gardens' +2 food from lakes bonus does not, but the 15% all-food bonus does.
Sad part is I don't think Lake Victoria provides fresh water for farms and buildings so as the Aztecs you're almost better off with a regular lake. That way you can build your UB and get civil service farms instead of fertilizer farms.
It does provide fresh water for farms (i.e., you can build a farm on a hill adjacent to Lake Victoria).
Oh good. I haven't had it in a while. It gets confusing what natural wonders do what any more.
I think they patched it to actually provide fresh water now/with fall patch - before that you were right :)
That is good to know. I've been using the Lake Victoria Fix mod, which flagged that wonder as also being a lake. But if the patch fixed the problem, I will un-check the mod!
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