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Enhanced User Interface v1.29i

That narrows the problem down to the new localization module. What exactly was the problem ? Could you please provide more details to reproduce and/or a screenshot ? Thanks.

Rather than display the text string. It displayed TXT_KEY_ etc....

I do not remember the exact text string it was identifying. though. I will try to reproduce the error and get the text string when I am back in town tomorrow.
And some of the earlier city expansion announcements don't delete themselves while end turn and can't be delete with right mouse click. I have this same problem, but only when I use v50, eui, and cep together. If just cep and eui, I don't have this issue.
Here are the strings under additional maps

The 1st will display text strings for maps OK. The 2nd and 3rd subscreens do not . They have text issues also. Please see attached screen shots.

This occurs with EUI enabled with all folders and no mods. You can still load the maps, and everything works ok.


  • EUI_Bug_1.jpg
    171.6 KB · Views: 174
  • EUI_Bug_2.jpg
    174.2 KB · Views: 75
  • EUI_Bug_3.jpg
    174.7 KB · Views: 73
I have never paid attention to how the score is calculated before. In v11.17b2 with one city built. The tooltip on score indicates cities 3, technologies 4, land tiles 2 and everything else is 0. I assume these are values of the score. It would be nice to show the quantities and the score of each item. I also agree on finding a way to hide the advisor buttons. Tying them to the no help option would be ideal.
Could people please test the attached v1.17RC (release candidate)
  • Fixes bugs found in v1.16, 1.17BETA1 & v1.17BETA2
  • Compatible with CSD v23 (see OP for instructions)
  • Civilization ribbon mouse over tooltips show active deals and trade routes
  • Civilization ribbon now available in leader screens (if enabled)
    • can get diplomatic info about everyone while talking to a leader using civilization ribbon mouse over tooltips
    • can switch talking from one leader to another directly from within the leader screen by clicking on civilization ribbon icon, or return to the game by clicking on either your own icon or the one of the currently displayed leader (this function is disabled when the AI is asking you something during its turn)
  • City view advisor build recommendation icons are now disabled when game options - advisor level is set to "no advice"
holy excre man, cannot play ten turns without you throwing another one at us :D

not a biggy mind you, but I tend to modify your code a little, so every time you give us more food for thought, I need to redo all that...

by the way, where did you hide the little override code to force the city screen to open when clicking the Production button that replaces the Next Turn button? I prefer to go to the production tab instead from that button, as in vanilla, but cannot find your override anymore.

I also strongly suggest that you add the right-click function to the diplo icon (the left-most of the round buttons) to go directly to the WC... I used to add that piece of code but now you are not using DiploCorner.lua anymore... could you add that to your release of 1.17?

where did you hide the little override code to force the city screen to open when clicking the Production button that replaces the Next Turn button?
It's no longer done this way, city view and production popup have been merged (complete code rewrite). Try the new queue, you might actually like it :lol:
I also strongly suggest that you add the right-click function to the diplo icon (the left-most of the round buttons) to go directly to the WC...
yes i will do something like that sometime

yes i will do something like that sometime


Oh come on, it's easy for you, just add it now...

function OnDiploRightClicked()
	Events.SerialEventGameMessagePopup( { Type = ButtonPopupTypes.BUTTONPOPUP_LEAGUE_OVERVIEW } );
Controls.DiploButton:RegisterCallback( Mouse.eRClick, OnDiploRightClicked );

Put that where it belongs (usually DiploCorner.lua, but you may find another place to make it work), and done.
This problem is in the normal game's counter as well, so I'm not sure how fixable it is, but the friendship (and I assume other relations) turn timer doesn't scale with the game length.
CSD can easily be made to work nice with EUI, please RTFM in the OP
Thank you, my bad again... (and again...). Ok, deleted the file and the upper left bar is now back and working. Still, the city growing announcements have a problem: left-clicking on it do not take me to were it happened. Will check better on the matter, activate and deactivate some mods to better isolate the problem. But it's working fine without CSD, that's for sure. Using the 1.17 beta2
Could people please test the attached v1.17RC2 (release candidate)
  • Fixes bugs found in previous versions
  • Compatible with CSD v23 (see OP for instructions)
  • Civilization ribbon mouse over tooltips show active deals and trade routes
  • Civilization ribbon now available in leader screens (if enabled)
    • can get diplomatic info about everyone while talking to a leader using civilization ribbon mouse over tooltips
    • can switch talking from one leader to another directly from within the leader screen by clicking on civilization ribbon icon, or return to the game by clicking on either your own icon or the one of the currently displayed leader (this function is now actually disabled when the AI is asking you something during its turn)
  • City view advisor build recommendation icons are now disabled when game options - advisor level is set to "no advice"
City view advisor build recommendation icons are now disabled when game options - advisor level is set to "no advice"

Praise the lord! :clap::clap::worship: I've been waiting for that ever since I first bought the game. Now I can play it properly.

EUI is a work of genius.
Could people please test the attached v1.17RC3 (release candidate)
  • Fixes bugs found in previous versions
  • Compatible with CSD v23 (see OP for instructions)
  • Civilization mouse over tooltips show active deals and trade routes, and remaining turns for friendships & denouncements correctly scale with game speed
  • Civilization ribbon now available in leader screens (if enabled)
    • can get diplomatic info about everyone while talking to a leader using civilization ribbon mouse over tooltips
    • can switch talking from one leader to another directly from within the leader screen by clicking on civilization ribbon icon, or return to the game by clicking on either your own icon or the one of the currently displayed leader (this function is disabled when your turn is not active, i.e. during other civilization's turns)
  • City view advisor build recommendation icons are now disabled when game options - advisor level is set to "no advice"
This problem is in the normal game's counter as well, so I'm not sure how fixable it is, but the friendship (and I assume other relations) turn timer doesn't scale with the game length.
fixed in EUI tooltips (but not in Firaxis's diplo screen popup)
city growing announcements have a problem: left-clicking on it do not take me to were it happened
This seems to be a problem with the mod's DLL

Just downloaded, about to try it out, it looks awesome! In leader selection screen of game set up, roman legion tool tip says the unit replaces the warrior at the top of the tool tip, and says it replaces the swordsman at the bottom of the tool tip.
Just downloaded, about to try it out, it looks awesome! In leader selection screen of game set up, roman legion tool tip says the unit replaces the warrior at the top of the tool tip, and says it replaces the swordsman at the bottom of the tool tip.
Warrior does upgrade to legion, the tooltip caption is the closest i could find

After seeing more and more screenshots featuring the EUI, I eventually figured out what it was and tracked down this thread. Boy, am I glad I did! This is just awesome!! Thanks so much! It takes so much of the tedium out of playing and makes it much less error prone - no more needing to flick around cities checking for border growth or new pop; no missing the chance to trade resources without click click clicking on all the leaders. It's awesome!

On the minor suggestions front, I did encounter something that may be similar to the Legion thing just mentioned: on the civ screen for America, the tool tip said B17 is a replacement for GWB (instead of Bomber).

The main feature request I'd make is for additional information on the GP tooltip in the top bar - info on other upcoming GPs besides the next one to pop would be nice.

Did I say this is awesome? The devs should pay you for this and put it out in a patch. :goodjob:
Warrior does upgrade to legion, the tooltip caption is the closest i could find


I could be wrong but I think you may be using the wrong information to generate the caption for the 'Replaces:' tooltip.
Everywhere in the setup screen where the tooltip 'Replaces:' is shown, the wrong unit is displayed. It is always the previous unittype that is shown.

You must be grabbing the TXT_KEY for the upgraded unit instead of the replaced.

Not sure why that tooltip doesn't show for all the units, but when it does show, it is incorrect.
It's no mistake, the tooltip is meant to show the unit upgrade path: what unit it can upgrade from, and what it upgrades to (only game experts could care about unit being replaced, and they already know anyway).
But there is no existing TXT_KEY for "Upgrade from", so the TXT_KEY for "Replace" is used as the only alternative found (btw the TXT_KEY does nothing else than provide a label, logic is required to produce the unit type list).
And I have so far failed to get EUI to generate its own TXT_KEY
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