Help for script for WBS.


Apr 8, 2009
I am creating a Mod for Civ IV. The American Civil War. However I do not know really how to do scripts or add them to the WBS. I am creating an American Civil War WBS and I want to make it realistic as possible.

i.e. I want the Confeds to attack Fort Sumter first and so on.
Or have the Confeds Capital move from Montgomery, Alabama to Richmond, Virgina

I also would like to know if a timeline can be added to the WBS, like in the American Revolution and Desert War on Civ IV.

i.e. "April 12th 1861, Confederates fire upon Fort Sumter and the war starts"

and have it actually happen in the game.

Or should I just have it as a WBS and let the player do the war how they want. The reason why I would prefer a script is to stop the player just marching into washington or sumin straight away also to try and keep the tech as realistic to the time period as possible so players dont end up getting fighter planes near the end of the war.

Any help would be much appreciated.

You would need to use Python to make that happen. The WBS file just creates the map with it's starting conditions.
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