HELP!!! My Mod doesn't work!


Feb 21, 2015
I'm new to modding, been reading Kael's guide and thought that I would have created a new civilization for me to play as, but as of now I can't find it. I seem to have everything done just like in the guide, my own unique leader, unique units etc. but I cannot find as a civ to play as and it is not even listed in the civilopedia. Can someone help me find whats wrong with my code??


  • Republic of Angola (v 1).zip
    583 KB · Views: 31
Seems like you forgot to add the trait. Also, try changing the name of the Kongo Bowman from Kongo-Bowman to Kongo_Bowman. Helps keeps the Formatting in line.

Also, I suppose you haven't actually enabled it, have you?
No, still doesn't appear as a civ to play nor in the civilopedia. Also, do you mean enable by activating the mod in the Mods menu?
I will include the newest version of the mod.


  • Republic of Angola (v 1).zip
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Lots of little mistakes. First of all, missing the GameText for the Trait. Second, LeaderTrait and Trait don't match. Third, you have to allow the files to start working. Have you done this:

Spoiler :

He has proper OnModActivated settings. The Republic of Angola (v 1).modinfo file confirms this. He appears to have a bunch of "extra" files related to MAC OSX but I'm not familiar with how those interact with the game (or not) on MAC systems.


From DataBase.log:

Look very closely here at the highlighted text. This is a fatal error. Causes the game to discard the entire file where the mistake occurs.
[777851.390] no such table: [COLOR="Blue"]Civlizations[/COLOR]
[777851.390] In Query - insert into Civlizations('Type', 'Description', 'ShortDescription', 'Adjective', 'Civilopedia', 'CivilopediaTag', 'DefaultPlayerColor', 'ArtDefineTag', 'ArtStyleType', 'ArtStyleSuffix', 'ArtStylePrefix', 'PortraitIndex', 'IconAtlas', 'AlphaIcon', 'MapImage', 'DawnOfManQuote', 'DawnOfManImage') values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);
[777851.390] In XMLSerializer while updating table Civlizations from file XML/Civilizations/Civ_Angola.xml.

Here you have repeated something that already exists within the game. Repeats of code the game already has are poison. All Tag="TXT_KEY_SOMETHING" that occur within the <Language_en_US> must be unique to all others. If even one is not, the game discards the entire file.
[777851.390] columns Language, Tag are not unique
[777851.390] While executing - 'insert into Language_en_US('Tag', 'Text') values (?, ?);'
[777851.390] In XMLSerializer while inserting row into table insert into Language_en_US('Tag', 'Text') with  values ([COLOR="blue"]TXT_KEY_CITY_NAME_LUANDA[/COLOR], Luanda, ).
[777851.390] In XMLSerializer while updating table Language_en_US from file XML/NewText/GameText.xml.
[777851.390] columns Language, Tag are not unique

These two you are getting because you've referenced two TXT_KEY_SOMETHINGS within <Traits> but never defined the text for those two TXT_KEYS within the <Language_en_US>. These are not fatal errors.
[777865.625] Invalid Reference on Traits.ShortDescription - "TXT_KEY_TRAIT_INSTANT_HEAL_SHORT" does not exist in Language_en_US
[777865.687] Invalid Reference on Traits.Description - "TXT_KEY_TRAIT_INSTANT_HEAL" does not exist in Language_en_US

Typos, typos, typos:
[777866.078] Invalid Reference on Leader_Flavors.LeaderType - "LEADER_DOSSANTS" does not exist in Leaders

See the third link in my sig. All these basic types of mistakes are covered therein.
He has proper OnModActivated settings. The Republic of Angola (v 1).modinfo file confirms this. He appears to have a bunch of "extra" files related to MAC OSX but I'm not familiar with how those interact with the game (or not) on MAC systems.

Sorry, I was on my phone. Can access stuff like Notepad files for SQL and XML studying, but not .modinfo files.
Thanks for the advice guys. But yet no luck for me, applied all the fixes you guys suggested but the civ won't show up to play as.


  • Republic of Angola (v 1).zip
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1st.) Use whoward69's enable error logging tutorial and enable logging.
  • Be sure to follow-through and start-up the game and then do a MODDED set-up new game once without your mod enabled so you can see what are "normal" errors in the Database.log
  • This really is necessary because Firaxis did not fix all the errors in the game as they delivered it to the marketplace. If you do not know which errors are normal to get you will waste time chasing errors that have absolutely nothing to do with your mod.

2nd) Check your Civ_Angola.xml file again. You have further typos there in Table names. The game will cease to spit out errors for an individual file as soon as it encounters one of the fatal errors within that file. So you have to go through the file with a fine-tooth comb looking for similar errors. Hint: you misspelled "Civilization" again in another table name.

3rd) Run your mod to see if further errors are reported in the Database.log

4th) Hint: if you keep running into issues with Tag is not unique in the <Language_en_US> table, try changing the names of tags for city-names to something like TXT_KEY_CITY_NAME_LOANDA_XYZ where the "XYZ" part is your initials. Remember to make such changes to the TXT_KEYs both in the file where you have your <Language_en_US> table and in the file where you have your civ defined.
Enabled my logging services,found this error:
Spoiler :
[7291.393] table Civilizations has no column named AlphaIcon
[7291.393] In Query - insert into Civilizations('Type', 'Description', 'ShortDescription', 'Adjective', 'Civilopedia', 'CivilopediaTag', 'DefaultPlayerColor', 'ArtDefineTag', 'ArtStyleType', 'ArtStyleSuffix', 'ArtStylePrefix', 'PortraitIndex', 'IconAtlas', 'AlphaIcon', 'MapImage', 'DawnOfManQuote', 'DawnOfManImage') values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);
[7291.393] In XMLSerializer while updating table Civilizations from file XML/Civilizations/Civ_Angola.xml.
doesn't make any sense checked my Civ_Angola file and it in fact does have AlphaIcon??? Do you guys know if I'm doing something wrong?


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