How to download/install GEM


Dec 13, 2011
I used to play GEM a lot. I tried to get back in the habit today, but all of the links for GEM are either dead, or point to CEP-BNW. BNW is great, and I am really glad that this project is moving forward (even if it's not as active as it used to be when Thal was at the top of his game), but I really enjoyed GEM, and I can't find it anywhere except Github, and I don't think that I understand the files there well enough to put them in my mod folder.

I am afraid there are not many people still playing GEM if any. CEP (and its predecessors) are not developed nor maintained by anyone anymore, so I doubt you will get any help here.

Are you aware of the Community Patch Project? It has absorbed most of the good things from CEP (and GEM) added a ton of new good things and the main thing is, thanks to the access to the game DLL, it improves AI (both strategic and military).

It seems that you do have BNW, so I cannot see any reason why not switch to CBP.
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