I like to make sure each of my cities has it's entire city radius to itself


Mar 11, 2012
Cork, Ireland
I don't like to plant another city 4 tiles away from a city. Is that OK?

It's just that I want each city to reach it's full potential, but having 2 cities close could outweight having 1 city which can work all it's tiles. You could get more research for example.
The main thing in Civ V is don't get locked into X tiles spacing no matter what value you choose as X. In some cases, you will permanently lock yourself out of any city working a luxury if you follow any fixed city settlement pattern too rigidly.

What you should be thinking instead about is where are those key tiles near you, and what specific city placements will allow some city within your empire to work all of them.
In addition, both the global happiness and the national wonder mechanics punish city placement patterns that took an extra city that an extra city to do so. (Such as the typical AI settlement pattern if your not moded the city spacing. AI plays on "AI Default Handicap" which includes a happiness bonus)
How often do you get the population so high that you end up working literally every tile and every single specialist slot? That's like 50 population, isn't it?
I don't like to plant another city 4 tiles away from a city. Is that OK?

It's just that I want each city to reach it's full potential, but having 2 cities close could outweight having 1 city which can work all it's tiles. You could get more research for example.

Of course it`s ok.
I like to give my cities a good space for expansion too. The only problem is another Civ planting a city in between your cities as tends to happen with me.
I have this weird tick that since i realized the AI likes to settle 3 tiles apart from each other I adopted that religiously xD I Rarely break that, HOWEVER, I usually will settle a city further BUTO NLY if I can settle a city BETWEEN the gap (so if I settle 6 tiles away, I make sure I settle a city later on 3 tiles even if it does me no good)

How often do you get the population so high that you end up working literally every tile and every single specialist slot? That's like 50 population, isn't it?
I agree, I don't worry too much about overlap. I rarely have more than 1 city get so massive that it matters.
Usually only my capital gets massive. The rest of my cities just want all the scientist and engineer slots filled.
How often do you get the population so high that you end up working literally every tile and every single specialist slot? That's like 50 population, isn't it?

I never thought about that.

Thought if I were to settle 2 cities close to each other and there is a river in between, i'd really like for only 1 city to have access to all river tiles.
I usually try to create a wider space between my capital and other cities because my capital will grow fast enough that it'll fill up a bit quicker and I want one epic city. but not so much between later cities. Most of the game, overlap is not an issue and when populations get so high that it is? Well, I just pick the cities I want to be epic and give them all the tiles. Others get stuck with less. Since this is usually the last 50 turns of the game you actually wasted less potential by overlapping then if you'd overspaced them as most of the game this results in unused tiles. Plus, having a city use up most of its useful tiles early is not a bad thing. Specialists are good for science and those cities often end up giving you extra Great Scientists and Engineers by the end-game. I often space by 4 or 5, but not very often as small as 3 unless I expect that city to be worse and just want to grab a few missed resources (such as fish or whales). I've found Greater than 50% overlap is significant and can result in worse cities as you start crowding fairly early.
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