I wish random maps WERE random... what's your fav map?


Just one more turn...
Apr 12, 2009
Eagle, Idaho
CiV sure likes islands. That's what I get pretty much every single time I ask for a 'random' map.

So what is your favorite map to play on?
If you want a truly random map, it would most likely be islands because chances of a 100 tile block of land without more than one-three tiles of water is very low. The closest map script to random is Shuffle which basically randomizes everything, but has rules like "resources are evenly spread" and not have a map with only one tile islands.

My favorite is Continents Plus because CS dont get in the way, naval is important as well as land and AI's have a harder time running away.
I've mostly been playing Continents, Huge, Med/Low Ocean. They all have their strong and weak points, however I do enjoy lowering the ocean on Archipelago, Fractal, as well as lowering the ocean on custom maps (Comunitas).
If you want truly random, check out my sig for map script mod xD

I pretty much never know what the heck to expect each time I start a new map. And thus, exploration almost never gets predictable until I have almost mapped out the whole world. Although I always play exclusively on huge maps so that could be a big part of it.
I play on the DLC map Continents Plus.
It draws better landmasses than classical continents : more snaky, with more convincing tectonics, and island chains, archipelagos around... the downside is that it places every city-state on an island, for balance purposes. If, like me, you dislike this placement, here's a simple fix to do :
Mine by far is the modded map script "Tectonic" it creates beautiful, dynamic, earth-like maps. Although of the regular maps Continents Plus is nice.
I don't have a favorite map really, but what I find favorite is the fact that you could switch your social policies to 'fit' with the map that random has. So for example, if you're in an archipelago map, liberty can be good because you can expand through the small islands faster and take their luxurious resources for happiness. Piety or honor can also be good for pangea and large inland maps. Tradition can be useful in a really isolated island start map.
I like Fractal. Doesn't seem to have any other predictable pattern than often creating in-land seas, but it's awesome still :goodjob:
I’ll probably annoy everyone with my usual rant, but I wish the “Random Map” option had a place to check off which maps you wanted to include in the randomization. Otherwise, I’ll probably never manually choose all those Scrambled maps ever again (what a waste of money that was!) and I get sick of Archipelago, Pangaea, Continents, and Fractal over and over again.

Besides, it would be cool to play on a Terra map without knowing ahead of time that it is a Terra map. Then I’d be able to have the legitimate shock and amazement of discovering a previously unknown continent existed, instead of knowing from the start that another empty continent was out there somewhere. Manually selecting a Terra map kind of takes the fun out of the discovery phase and gives me an unfair advantage over the unsuspecting AI.

Currently, I’m bouncing back and forth between Random Map and the Comunitas Map.
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