Illogical Civics and Civilopedia Text


The White Wizard
Jul 31, 2007
Austin, Texas
This may be less of a bug, and more of annoyance, but the civilopedia and civics screen incorrectly displays unhappiness if a civic gives unhappiness. In vanilla BTS, none of the civics give any unhappiness, hence this bug is never reported. However, many mods add civics that have unhappiness penalties, and then this shows up.

Here's the problem:
When a civic gives -1 happiness in the largest cities, the civics screen and civilopedia read: - :mad:. This is a double negative, meaning the opposite of the intended effect. Subtracting a unhappiness is the same as adding a happiness, but in reality, the game is + :mad:. So the change should be to make it so when a civic gives unhappiness for the civics screen and civilopedia to write it as "+:mad:", instead of "-:mad:."

if you don't quite follow that, see this screenshot:
View attachment 225897

I made it so slavery gave one unhappiness in the largest cities, and this is the result.

To Recap:
The game plays fine, but the civics and civilopedia text is displayed improperly.
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