Kuriotates in Wild Mana

Settlements don't cost any maintenance (iirc), so you can spam as many as you like. Doesn't really matter where you build them, as long as they get resources into their cultural influence.

I prefer to turn other civs' former cities into settlements. Actually building them yourself is a waste of precious production queue time, in my opinion, that would be better spend on troops/buildings/wonders.

ok i know most of my acronyms, but i have to be honest i have not figured out what (iirc) is.. haha.. thanks for the tips, Till. This is a hard gear switch from traditional city expansion, but Im not doing too terribly bad, either at the same time. Because after this test ends, I will go to the next civ in line, so it will be some time before I get back to the Kuriotates again.
Oh, sorry! IIRC stands for "if i recall correctly". It's been some time since i've last played the Kuriotates.
Oh, sorry! IIRC stands for "if i recall correctly". It's been some time since i've last played the Kuriotates.

omg, thats too funny, i would have never guessed that one. I was looking up civs, religions and other various paraphenalia trying to figure that one out.... haha... and I mean for quite some time now...

thanks again.... haha
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