Logic conditional on other mods being active?


Oct 31, 2014
So in over 15 years of playing Civilization games I've never tried to mod one before. I'm not sure if that makes BE the greatest or the worst Civ I've ever played. Oh who cares, it's gorgeous.


I'm working on a handful of mods that fall into one of two categories: Small changes to a single "system", and broader gameplay changes. I figured it's entirely possible that I'm the only one who will actually appreciate the broader mods, so I thought I'd break it up into as many smaller projects as possible, and let others pick and choose the ones to use for themselves.

BUT, I'd like to make a few of the larger mods actually behave differently if another smaller mod is installed or not. Not just have a hard dependency, but actually different behavior. Is there even a way to do this, or am I stuck with leaving things tightly coupled?

Apologies in advance for dumb questions: I only started digging into the mod system two nights ago, never did anything for Civ V.
Hi Gamma,

you can configure modA to prefer loading after modB if it's present (Important, since otherwise you'd have to have both A and B check for the other's presence, which would be more work.

Considerations for content:
- LUA: I believe there was a fairly simple way in Lua to check for mod presence.
- XML: Not much you can do there, sry. At least not that I know of.
- SQL: Fairly simple to do and very useful in applying global changes that may even affect mods from other developers.
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