making an apocalyptic mod. "Project Aftermath"

asset creation is going very well.
I'm super pleased with the city set.
i still have a few things to do for it. the capital is uncolored the barracks is done. yet not tested.
i need to do all the buildings with models that also trigger off culture the art style. maybe see about adding making cultured models for ones that don't go off culture art type
up next ill color the first era scrap city set for the humans.
ill make the raider city set for the humans.
ill make the super mutant city set.
ill make or think about the alien city set.
ground decals. that one I'm exited about i have some made up and picked out but untested.
as always on and off making natural wonder, feature, resources and ect....

speaking of natural wonders who wants a apocalyptic giant volcano i have a spare laying around i can throw in.
i haven't added the volcano eruption effect to it yet but that's easy.
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guys try to help me come up with common/strategic/luxury resource ideas.
along with feature ideas.

we have seen the
fallen titan (uncolored) with improvement (uncolored)
brahmin (colored)

for strategic resources I'm thinking.
destroyed tanks
crashed satellites

but i need some more strategic resources

for common resources

i was thinking maybe some mushrooms
i have the civ beyond earth fish resources ill add (figures crossed the animations work haha, they should)

for features

abandoned factory with the improvement being a working/fixed factory. (i have both models).
new factories will be able to be built in late game eras until then they must be repaired except for great engineer factory tile idk yet. there will be repaired factories, new factories and the one built by the great engineer each will be different.

trash piles in the ocean

radio active waste piles(resource or feature? hmmm? what to do?)

for natural wonders

i have Project Edan. that will be one of if not the only sources of natural trees or jungle idk yet. ill re-add forests as a improvement for this. Eden will slowly produce trees in nearby tiles in the form of an improvement so it can be added easily to the game. feature struggle with this the graphic often requiring a reload of the game.
also so the trees will go over top of the ruins keeping both visible.
ill allow one of the ideology choices maybe 2 idk yet to also be allowed to plant forests and jungles.
(will require some Lua work maybe a lot idk and the percent chances will be been some testing most definitely)

giant apocalyptic volcano (maybe)

destroyed statue of liberty.

i need natural occurring things in the opacolypse and and ruined/abandoned structures. and what they should do

so lets go a step beyond just resource creation.

first radiation

well radiation standardly is a feature and cant go over the ruins.

the ruins are now a tree replacement (which are very difficult to work with and change btw, they are pretty hard coded in) and not a completely separate and new set of models like they were. (should i go back to the old ones the better looking ones?)
since its a feature the radiation cant go on them you can have 2 features.
i cant add the radiation(as far as i know) (if i do manage too i think it will effect them all)
also it can never have an effect in game this way, it would be for the look only.

so that is an issue.

i can make radiation into a resource so it can go on some of the ruins, and have some sort of in game effect. like dealing damage to a unit or reducing its strength idk
but then nukes will destroy resources rather then trees like it standardly does. (maybe that would be cool)

i can make new features separate from the ruins that have radiation.

the second thing i want to talk about is.

i want to write an Lua to remove certain resources after a certain point in the game. like the fallen titan and destroyed tank and most of the old world relic type resources.
so it feels like they are being used up as new resources are unlocked and made visible on the map.
i feel it could make for a interesting and dynamic game play.
first ground terrain retexture
i have it in now as the African desert but I'm thinking of making it the plains instead. it will blend better into my grass decal idea and i have a new feeler for the desert look. still nothing is set in stone all still in the testing phase.

i get to make a new ground design for all continents and terrain types. so i will get lots of different types the continents will look very different from 1 another.
i still have lots more to do.

Your mod reminds me a fair amount of Neo Scavenger, so you might want to go that route. The resources in Neo Scavenger are mostly very basic things--water, food, sticks and rocks that you can use for crafting, furs and some clothing, containers including cans and pots . . . mostly post-apocalyptic kind of resources.
if you want to get a sneak peak at some units for this mod here is my unit workshop where ill post a few units early.

first up super mutant roster. they are warhammer 40k ork units.

i posted a test mod in my unit workshop.
there you get a copy of these set up to be used with in game editor to set up some battle and watch the animations.


the combat is definitely worth checking out. super cool.
uses a awesome mix of both ranged and melee.
new awesome effects, and great unique combat styles.
some sort of toxic waste/dump feature i might make it toxic or nucluer waste, i dot know yet.
it will replace the oasis feature in the mod.
i wont be needing the oasis is my apocalyptic mod, like everything else its getting tossed and replaced for this overhaul.

i think ill also allow it to spawn in the plains, and the tundra or snow but make it so it cant be next to forest/ruins as the forest will be ruins in the mod.

im thinking of making it only useful to the super mutants, and avoided by most others.
ill penalize most for being near it in a small way, bad to no yields, ill have it effect disease when i incorporate the disease mod into this mod, and maybe even not allow certain buildings to be build in a city near it. but maybe even give a pay off for being near them through policy or ideology or religion choices so some one can still go for them if they worked at it, and use those methods to overcome the penalty turning it slowly into a bonuses, ill work that all out when the time comes and i get into that part of things.

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first look at the Asian continent textures.
i also threw in the ruins replacement for the tree's
the ruins are test models still being updated. these aren't as good as my single tile ruin set but its way easier and what ill go with for now. these models are finicky but coming along.
i decided to take my desert african texture and use it for the asian desert texture im going a different way with africa.

Spoiler :


forest and jungle ruin replacement models for the Asian continent tree set is just about finished.
i just need to touch up the texture in a few areas like the gas station looks to new, but i think these will be the tree replacement models.
they simply replace the tree model civ uses to a ruins set of models.

the jungle set is more city like and the forest is more rural or residential like.

i adjusted the way civ places the tree models. this was the best i could do. civ used the models at random. civ also changes the sizes of the models from time to time so that is why some things are larger then other like some cars are small and some are big i cant stop that.

Spoiler :







Spoiler forest = suburban/rural ruins :


Spoiler jungle urban/city ruins :


sorry the ruins models cant be better they are super finicky. and many times broke with better models.

this entire mod will be a dlc mod.

ill have to replace several graphics from original civ 5 im not using to new ones to conserve on civ's resources while playing.
unit coding will get a little confusing but many units will need to over ride some of civs original units by name. so the original isnt loaded into the game at all.
even if i delete the coding the gr2 is what is consuming resources and data. and ill need all the spare data i can get. im hoping the ruins graphics didnt already put me near that point it would be sad i would hate to go even lower quality.
I have started work on the African ruins models sorry I do not have pictures yet.
I haven't worked on them for probably 3-4 weeks I'll get them finished and presentable some time after the holidays.

I'm also going to have to go back and redo the dds layout and dds file for the asian city sets.
The dds is to large and contains way to many pixels but that's what all the testing is for. The number of pixels is making them look bad. Civ can't display it as well.
I need every thing but the signs to be less detailed won't be to hard just a little re-arranging and resizing.
I want to be able to zoom in and see the fallout Chinese propaganda I put on them.

I know it's unnecessary, but I think it's one of those things people will like ( or at least I will) even though it really doesn't matter.
When I go to do the american continent I will also be doing some American propaganda from fallout 3.

I'm hoping I can shrink it all down and adjust the signs and keep them visible.
Shrinking the whole dds it's self left the signs unreadable blurs. I need to enlarge the signs in the dds after I shrink the dds. Will require a layout adjustment in blender but it's no big deal.

I can't wait to have all the continents done, so I can move onto natural wonder models, units, improvement models, building models, new world wonder models, and new city sets.

I have a few improvement models I haven't showed off yet. But I think I'll hold off on loading them in and taking pictures, unless I drag my feet making the rest continent textures and ruin models, then I'll post a few pics earlier then I planned.
sorry for the long wait but here it is

the first look at the new African continent.

Spoiler grassland :


Spoiler plains :

plains (2).jpg

Spoiler desert :

desert (3).jpg

Spoiler tundra :


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sadly i do not have the African forest replacement yet they are both using the same set of models which are the jungle replacement models to make them the city/urban ruins.
im still working on those.
im thinking of redoing my city sets models wise after i finish a set for all continents, maybe even make it modular have a drag and drop option to change out sets to new ones.

i need to add more things to spread the buildings out, more common objects i can use in all the sets that are small.
cars and crater just aren't enough to cut it.
im thinking of adding some barrels and maybe skeletons to the ruins models sets as common objects that will be in them all like the craters and cars.
maybe some one here can post an idea. idk ill come up with some stuff.

enough about future plans, ill talk about the African stuff i added.
i decided to make Africa with a volcanic and cracked earth landscape.
i just felt like it, it seemed cool at the time. plus i have a few volcanoes i might try to working them into the game some how (making most Africa only natural wonders to fit the landscape).
let me know if you like it or not. it might not be as cool as i imagined.

in the jungle ruins i added hedge hog tank traps and a ruined sky scraper unique to the continent.
its not as largely populated looking as the Asian jungle set. that was part of my intention. i want Africa to look less developed and more destroyed compared to other continents.
should i change up the African textures and make it more volcanic?
i also have this idea for a more volcanic look.

i change the desert to the grassland and remove the old grassland texture. like here in this picture.
Spoiler new grassland :


then i add a new desert texture that will be similar to this one here (a generic one from google)

Spoiler new desert :


Spoiler new landscape :

some one please tell me what you think?
for starters...

1. was the volcano theme a bad idea?
2. is making it more volcanic going to far and ruining it or does it make it look better?
and anything else over all you would like or don't like so far, and/or anything you would like to see added.

if it helps the game setting will be sci-fi after the end of the world.
its going to start off wacky sci-fi and medieval technology will be used side by side at the games start. modern buildings/weapons will be hard to obtain as resources will be almost non existent at the start of the game, including food that will be your likely early focus.
the late game will heavily focus on sci-fi and rebuilding the world. clearing more and more of the ruins making improvements and what not.
i have a few cool sci-fi ideas to add and snag from other mods, but i want to go way more into the sci-fi realm then most have done before.
i have a few hovering/floating world wonder ideas and 1 model so far.
im also adding new races to the game. you'll be able to choose between a hive civilizations, mutant civilizations, alien civilization(s) maybe, and human civilizations.
the races just use the culture groups of the civilizations, ill be changing the models for the culture groups to represent the new races. i have done a hive city set and posted pictures of the city set (a few pages back) at least version 1, more needs to be done to it.
i have yet to make any civilizations I'm still working on making the culture groups. but that is most of work for what I'm doing. cant do the coding with out the models and art work.
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i think ill be removing flood plains from the game entirely.
for what im doing its kind of un needed and just will get in the way.

what do you all think of that is it terrible of me?
im thinking of doing the water very soon?

so what should i do dirty-ugly green to dirty-ugly brown?
or should i just leave it blue?

what's your water idea?
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