making an apocalyptic mod. "Project Aftermath"

if any one does have an up to date method for importing animations please walk me through the process. i would greatly appreciate it.
it would allow me to make even more unit and improvement models.
i got more units to post pictures of.

the street punks (still unnamed) get a worker unit. the first new worker i have made so far.
the badland raiders will also get their own worker unit.

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i made a new hive unit for now it is simply called a gnid. idk what to name it.
this is the 3rd unit for the faction. the gnid will probably be a relatively early unit.
im also posting pictures of the other 2 units. for a comparison.
the nargrubs will be a mid into late game unit.
the stingers will be a late game unit.
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Ok so I made some guns and bitz for units. So I'll start on figuring more stuff out and adding it to the game.

I need to start on creating units for other civ/factions. Survivor units and what not.

I'm thinking of stealing some more ideas from fallout. Besides generic survivor(civilian looking units) I think I should also make vault dwellers.

I really wanted to be more original but I just can't seem to come up with my own ideas sadly. And I need to stop waiting for inspiration and just make stuff.
first look at vault dwellers.
this is just a starting point i also plan to do vault security guard looking units too. with riot shields and batons.

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vault dweller back.JPG
vault dweller front.JPG

i wondering what type of weapons should the standard vault dwellers wield. i was thinking golf clubs, pool sticks and baseball bats.
if you other any weapon suggestions keep in mind i want every one to get starting weapons that make sense for them.
golf clubs and baseball bats to me makes sense for them.
they had a good life in the vault filled with recreational activities like golf and baseball. so they have those things laying around. where as the street punk style faction has led pipes and crowbars, the weapons and tools of desperate thief's.

also how does the vault symbol look.
should i move it to the front leave it on the back or put it on both sides.

these minor details are what haunt my modding hours lol.

ill work on getting this into the game. but I'm open to suggestions and it can be changed at any time.

there is still lots more room for more textures to be added to the vault dweller texture file.
for example ill be adding the security guard stuff once i make it.

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vault dweller texture.JPG

multiple units can use 1 dds file.
like all my raider units use 1 dds file with several textures in it. it still has room for additions.
some parts have been used some parts are yet to be used.

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riader texture file.JPG

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if any one wants to help it would greatly speed up my progress if some one started making some civs for me.
you can make them based on units i already done or you can make your own and ill make units to match it.

so far this is a slow paced 1 man project. i can only move so fast on my own. right now I'm prioritizing asset design and i have done very little to no coding at all.

if some one were to design some civs with diplomacy dialogue/ responses and ect... it would really speed up this process and be most appreciated.
if left to do it myself it will not get done for a very long time.
first in game look at the vault dweller armed civilian unit.

for now i think it looks good.
so ill proceed with creating some variants for the unit. so its not 10 copies of the same unit.

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unless any one has some suggestions this will probably be the first vault dweller unit. so far just called armed civilians.

I will have to make some slight edits the weapons are not in the correct area. The people should be holding them more on the handles. I'll fix that one day.

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For those who want them I posted the first 6 civilization beyond earth alien units on my units page.

I don't have pictures but I completed worker units for the vault dwellers and the bad land raider art styles units.

So I'll move into some other stuff and I'll get those pictures posted one day.

I need to do some survivor type art style and super mutant art style.
But I'm super excited to do some mad max style vehicles for the bad land raiders so I might jump to that.
first super mutant unit the super mutants can recruit.
i'm thinking of naming it experiment E87 mutants. (fallout 3 vault 87 made the yellow mutants)
its reskin of a ogre unit idk where that came from it was converted from a civ 4 mod. i edited it to use warrior animations rather then Aztec jaguar animations.

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here are some other units i planned to use as super mutants. i made these a while back.
these i planned to use in the very late game the last step in their evolution.
but now that can make my own units i will edits these Warhammer 40k orks.
at least at a minimum reducing their level of detail. but i will also probably make them more apacolyptic looking idk yet.
i love the animations they have, i may even use the animations to make new units.

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i made some super cool fx trigger for these units. they do a great mix of melee and ranged combat. attacking with melee weapons and firing guns. all during melee combat and they can even fire before charging in too if set up to do so. but the melee is cool they will either strike with sword or occasionally shoot and the shot is set to be ranged so they will shoot even while not directly adjacent while in melee combat. some really great visuals just a great mix of ranged and melee in 1 unit.
1 day i might even post a video even though combat visuals are not important.

if i do use the 40k units mid-late game melee units seems to be covered. they will just need vehicles and some heavy gunners and other stuff.
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first look at the bad land raider vehicles. (they will be a vehicle heavy civ)
these will be the first most basic vehicles. they will ram the enemy. ill set them to charge in like cavalry units do.

will consist of different 3 model cars

this is this the first car for the 3 car squad
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this is the second car model for the 3 car squad
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for car number 2 i included 2 variants in the pictures 1 with spikes and 1 with out spikes. which do you guys like better?

i do not have a third model yet but i plan for it to be a pick up truck to add a little variety to the squad.

and i do plan to dirty up the rims and tires before i get it into game. will only take some quick texture work.
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Sorry for no updates is a while.

I'm trying to come up with some ideas for units. But I'm falling short.

I just need to wait for inspiration to strike.
Plus I have been doing some regular civ stuff for people. While waiting for ideas of my own.

I'm also looking into this mod here and offering some help on things.

A user brought Pokemon to civ.
It is a little rough around the edges I'm going to try and help with fx triggers and animation order numbers and stuff.
His work is great. It's a treasure trove of new animations for me to harness :).
I'm going to try to slowly help him with the animation numbers that seems really to be the only thing he lacks the understanding of. It's a pretty simple fix but he has a lot of units and more coming :)

One great thing is, I needed an animation set up similar to the onix animations he has now given me.

Now I can make my alien/snake like creature I been tossing around in my head. I couldn't fudge it so any existing animation. I tried alot. I was close once almost getting it to move like an inch worm using bear animations but it didn't work well and was just terrible. But the onix animation is just perfect for what I wanted
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I still need to come up with a third vehicle for that first vehicle squad.

But I might side that for now so I can get a really good look at those Pokemon animations.

It really just upped the playing field.
Thanks to MaverickMods and his fantastic pokemon mod I have an all new arsenal of animation to create even more whacky things.

This mod will slowly come together and is looking even more promising now
You mentioned above a lack of ideas for units. I love Post-Apoc as a genre and game design is a major passion of mine. If you have a design document going over currently done civs/techs/policies/units/etc Id love to help brainstorm what more to come.
You mentioned above a lack of ideas for units. I love Post-Apoc as a genre and game design is a major passion of mine. If you have a design document going over currently done civs/techs/policies/units/etc Id love to help brainstorm what more to come.
i dont have anything definigng that stuff. so far im still doing art assets which my progress there will determine how many civs and what tech i will need for the game.

so far i have started art work for these civs...

hive faction
bad land raiders
punk raider
vault dweller
super mutants

i also plan to do...

and other survivor factions.

i main problem is what should they look like. while being uniquely mine. a in not ripped off from another source.

hive faction looks like this so far using heroescape marro as a basis.
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here are ht e punk raider next to the bad land raider i have so far

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vault dwellers look like this so far. more then likely the vault dwllers will only have this look during the early game they will the transition to a moer standard loom the survivor faction will have during mod game. i plan to have all late game units be decided based in building choices and ideology choices.

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super mutants will loom like this

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You mentioned above a lack of ideas for units. I love Post-Apoc as a genre and game design is a major passion of mine. If you have a design document going over currently done civs/techs/policies/units/etc Id love to help brainstorm what more to come.

besides the art i haven't done much other coding. really all of that will depend on the art i can and will make.

i have resources placing or map some what. needs to be better bit that is a problem for when i have them all made and thought up lol.

same for civs i have done 0 civ coding. 0 civs have been made.

natural/apacolyptic wonder have been implemented with placement apon map generation with multiple various of each model and some unique dynamic placement for certain ones. statue of liberty being the most dynamic.
multiple tile natural wonder sill need to be fixed what that will be easy i just didn't do it yet.

i still need more destroyed buildings and features to make into natural wonders. on page 8 you can see a few features resources and natural wonder i made.

edit*** added pictures

opacolypse volcano. has 6 variants. and always sets lava around it.

lava replaces marsh land. So i can do continent specific lava variants. so the lava looks different depending on the continent its on. I wont need marsh land so its ok to replace it. i might do away with flood plains as well. no replacement just remove them from the coding all together. the Lua and Xml. the Lua at a bar minimum. i dont have a need for flood pains.

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volcano 2

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Giza pyramids
has 2 or 3 model variants. it really only changes the color.

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cristo redentor

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statue of liberty has 2 model variants. with a very dynamic spawn procedure. allowing it for coast and bay, the lua has a few percentages it rolls for placement givign it a few spawning options and options to change it surrounding terrain

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saint basils cathedral.

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Eiffel Tower.
has 4 model variants

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big ben
has 2 model variants

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project edan

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You mentioned above a lack of ideas for units. I love Post-Apoc as a genre and game design is a major passion of mine. If you have a design document going over currently done civs/techs/policies/units/etc Id love to help brainstorm what more to come.
i plan to pretty much remake the whole game. very little to nothing from civ 5 will make it into my mod.
maybe some icons here and there.
but feature units and resources will be gutted for new ones.

i do plan to add an ideology called restoration that will allow for the replanting of food resources.

i might even make a faction that can do it from the game start. giving them the seed vault capital replacement. allowing them to occasionally plant crop and luxury crop resources using great people.

i have even tossed around the idea of using a lua to delete certain resources half way through the game.
this would require me to overload the map with resources anticipating as new ones are unlocked some will be deleted or USED UP during the game.

i plan to definitely add resources that will be created by specific units/great people.

i want this mod. to focus or the world being destroyed and the player attempting to rebuild it in their image, whether that be through war, restoration, or other means.
so far my basic ideology ideas are techno supremacy, genetic supremacy, restoration, genetic purity, religious fanaticism, and the last war ideology.
each one giving unique units and civ based unique units at times.
hive and mutants will get only total war and genetic supremacy ideologies plus any i make specifically to them to choose.

i plan to deny certain faction from taking certain policy and ideology choices.
like the hive and super mutants will not get the restoration ideology, but i will give them a unique ideology only they can choose if the desire.

i cant remember the mods name. but there is a mod some where out there that allows for additionally ideologies. it allows you to take a secondary ideology off its secondary ideology list. but it comes at the cost of it also taking up spots in your total ideology tenant count.
i tossed around the idea of maybe using that system.

I definingly plan to make ideologies define the late game units and building every one has access too.

all civilizations and balance i plan to thrown out the window making no one civilization the same.
early game all civs will look unique from one another. then mid game they should start seeming like regular civ most people having similar units.
late game you will start to see more similarities and then more differences.
as some civs will start to use policy specific units along with civ specific replacements for certain policy units.

i am aiming very high. perhaps to high. but this is still a very very very long work in progress.
now that i am working 6-7 days a week it is even longer, plus all the resource requests I'm getting. an my lack of ideas for art styles.

no matter what i do i see a crap load of lua work before i get to making civilizations as i will have to test many features. for example i need to remove trade capabilites from civ including trade caravans and diplomatic trade. i don't want hive or mutants trading at all. thier economies will have to be adjusted.

i also need an lua file for once a city in conquered to deletes and replaces certain unique ones for basic ones. for example if you conquer a hive or mutant city. you wont want their improvement art for your human improvement so ill write an lua to replace them to human ones. but for that i will need all improvements to be finished and finalized that will be a last touch sort of thing.
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You mentioned above a lack of ideas for units. I love Post-Apoc as a genre and game design is a major passion of mine. If you have a design document going over currently done civs/techs/policies/units/etc Id love to help brainstorm what more to come.
i want to use civ as a base for this but i want to to also be a brand new game. 4x and hex based but not really civ.
some factions i will have more unit variety then others to recruit from. ( i already figured that part out)

but nothing is set in stone i just have some feeler ideas and mechanics i tested out and pan to test out.

i really love you took an interest sorry to bombard you with all this info.

and please throw any idea you got at me or art work picture or anything, i am all ears haha.

if ideas for art were rain id be in a drought.

if you want design a civ. ill make units to fit the art you use. im cool with that. ill work with you to see if you like it or not.

people often bring out the best in my art. so many the things o posted or given to people were good a first.
they asked for changes and i made then. 99% of the time for the better by far. my first version of things will be laughable compared to what I've given people. what might be a simple and or common sense idea to you might not be to me. i tend to over look or overthink and even underthink things.

i have learned to use blender but not yet my imagination ahaha
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You mentioned above a lack of ideas for units. I love Post-Apoc as a genre and game design is a major passion of mine. If you have a design document going over currently done civs/techs/policies/units/etc Id love to help brainstorm what more to come.
basically i need art for now ill do the rest later.
i cant do the tech tree until I see how far i can go making enough unit/building/improvement art for the game.
like how many era will it be. well that depends on how many units i come up with and how sci-fi i can get and what ever else.
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