[MODCOMP]Broader Alignment

I noticed that the Great Sage is still available from Writing, while other xml changes in patch e are as they should be.

Also this happened:
Spoiler :
I don't know if this has to do with your mod but I thought I'd run it by here before posting in the bug thread.

btw I love this!

EDIT: Sorry, I did a bad job of skimming the posts before me. At least now there's a picture of exploding people.
I noticed that the Great Sage is still available from Writing, while other xml changes in patch e are as they should be.

Also this happened:
I don't know if this has to do with your mod but I thought I'd run it by here before posting in the bug thread.

btw I love this!

Yeah, I already mentioned both of these problems. I think that Grey Fox just overlooked the Great Sage change, since there were no schema changes and he just used the xml file he had made for patch d. This is very easy to fix.

The problem in the screen shot is because the Combat 1 promotion in CIV4PromotionInfos.xml has <PythonPostCombatLost>postCombatExplode(pCaster,pOpponent)</PythonPostCombatLost>, instead of just <PythonPostCombatLost></PythonPostCombatLost>. This tag is new to this modmod (added by my request, since I wasn't sure how to do it myself and need it for things I have planned for my modmod). I think this call was added to test this new tag, and that he just forgot to remove it after testing. You can easily fix this.

There is one significant bug that is harder to fix though; Grey Fox made a change in the DLL related to razing cities. Instead of giving you equipment for all building-form equipment present in the city, it gives you all pieces of equipment that can be in building form. Every raze gives you a Crown of Akarien, Slyvien Perfect Lyre, Infernal Grimoire, and Dragon's Horde. Also, this code applies the alignment changes for all buildings that could be in the city, not just for those actually there.
Yeah, I forgot to remove that code from the Combat 1 promotion.

The big bug, as Magister mentions isn't that hard to fix actually. I just accidently added the check for the infernal civilization in the equipment loop as well. To fix this problem, just copy the old code for this part in the ::raze function in CvPlayer.cpp.

I didnt notice this during my brief testing cause I only tested razing Infernal cities. doh! :p

But that's it for my comments for now. I will post a fixed and slightly updated version this weekend. I've fixed all mentioned bugs and removed the need for the onUpdate() function, so it should run faster as well.

I'm also releasing a package of Interface Upgrades, including better popups, better pedia, and an Armageddon Counter meter, similar to the alignment meter.

And the big news is, that I'm possibly releasing an early version of Commanding Officers. All the foundation has been done, and some commanders have been designed. Check it's thread for more specifics.
This sounds really fun! With Perpentach, why not have him randomly gain or lose 5 alignment points each turn? This would mean that the player doesn't have complete control of his alignment, but it likely wouldn't interfere too much with the player's strategy (except, of course, when they most need to be a certain alignment, in which case Murphy's Law would intervene).
This sounds really fun! With Perpentach, why not have him randomly gain or lose 5 alignment points each turn? This would mean that the player doesn't have complete control of his alignment, but it likely wouldn't interfere too much with the player's strategy (except, of course, when they most need to be a certain alignment, in which case Murphy's Law would intervene).

Actually that wouldn't have any effect at all because we expect the random negative and positive changes to even each other out in the long run.

That, and this thread seriously needed necroing.
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