[MODCOMP]Localized Starting Techs Mod

Hmm, I tried this. the warlords version (04), but nothing changed at all. Everyone started with their starting techs. I was trying to add it to a mod, but when that didn't work I figured I would try to start with nothing but this mod and nothing changes still, please help.
Did you change the modName in CvModName.py to your mod's name?
well I tried it with just using the Localized Starting Techs Mod as the name, unless I spelled that wrong or something, maybe it shouldn't have mod at the end, I'll play with it more. starting by trying that. thanks.
Yeah, that didn't help, and I tried the vanilla mod again and it still isn't working. I try the arabs and no matter how many times I restart the game they start with mysticism and the wheel.
I too would really like a BTS version of this modcomp -- especially if it was combined with the Resource Tech Research Modifier Mod. That would make for the ultimate historically realistic/dynamic modcomp as far as the early game goes, IMHO.

In fact, I'ma go post that in the request thread right now. :)
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