[MULTI] Sacrifice for Gods


Apr 2, 2014
Part 1, Prelude for Sacrifice
Turns 1-92

Spoiler Game settings :

Version: BNW,
Map Type: Pangaea
Map Size: Large
Speed: Standard
Difficulty: Emperor
Victory conditions: All
Civilizations: 8 Players with randomized civs

In the beginning there was plans for settlement and farming. Our people were ready to find a new home, to build up houses and farm the rich soil of our homeland. They were to build a home where they might live in peace and harmony for years to come. In prosperity they could raise their children to follow the ancient ways of their ancestors. They would teach their children the ways of sacrificing their enemies for angry gods and conquering the lesser civilizations of the world. They would do so happily, since that was the way of the Aztecs.

The first city of Aztecs was founded in lush lands just between the Ocean surrounding the world and short river that flows East from the place. There was some spices, incense and wine, that was founded later on as well as pearls on the Sea.

Early exploration. I was expecting to find someone closer to Aztecs but managed to bypass Ottoman territory at first.

By exploring the world Aztecs found out that they were somewhat far away from other civilizations of the world. Ottomans were founded to be the closest neighbor in North, while Indians were the first of the many quite far away in East. A large area of plains and even larger area of forrest and jungle was mapped between. From the ruins our scouts and Jaguar warriors found people to send for Tenochtitlan, new weapons, gold and badly made maps. There were a lot of ruins but sadly none had any interesting technology in them. When Aztecs got their pantheon of gods it was surprisingly for Oral Tradition, since there would be lot of plantations (fertilized by blood of enemies) to give more culture for Aztecs.

Known World in 1880 BC. It is somewhat Axe-shaped by now. Lots of barbarians to sacrifice! Happy days!

After finding the new neighbors there some changes were made recarding the naming of Aztec cities. Capital was renamed as "Sotakirves". The second city was founded near the wast plains and named by those as "Uhratut Pellot", since there was a lots of barbarians found near by and they ended in the fields. "Raudan Maku" was the third city to be founded near rich deposits of copper. Also some iron was later discovered near the city. To honor their Gods Aztecs also build the Stonehenge, for that could make a nice sacrifical site. It would be also easy to clean from all the blood, since someone decided to place the thing on the Sea.

Raudan Maku is founded North. Barbarians are sacrified for gods. Sotakirves is building something in secret (nearly completed by now) and explorations continue in East.

In social policies Aztecs started with Tradition, and that was followed by Honor and Liberty. Tradition was quite self explanatory, for the starting place was not optimal for growth. Honor would boost the Aztec war machine and make the sacrificing of enemies more valuable. This did alreadly boost nicely the Aztec culture. On the downside, the barbarians are now running short.

Aztecs also witnessed some early warfare by other Civilizations. The Assyrians who were founded East from India and Arabia started a war of Conquest against Arabia. They were very close to succeed taking Mekka and only prevented by the completion of Terracotta Army by Arabia.

Someway up North there were the Dutch and Huns. Dutch had a very good starting place and Attila was not pleased by this at all. He started a war that sacrificial barbarians seeking Aztec Spearman witnessed first hand by placing itself unfortunately just in the middle of warring parties. So far both parties are sure they are the one to prevail.

Duch capital of Manticore. Dutch did take their time to find perfect spot for their first city and it seems they succeeded.. to get the attention of Huns who are now invading Dutch.

News from East tell us that Mekka did not fall. It was very near to fall for Assurian attack. Forodus is also known as the leader of Romans.

And so ends the first game. We will be playing next time in two weeks, so it takes some time for next update.

Spoiler Not for other players :
And there I was planning for a more peaceful approach for the game and the game gives me Aztecs. When you have a special building like Floating Gardens, that requires a river, it gives you nearly no rivers. :mischief:

Demographics in turn 92

Aztecs are somewhat behind in population at this point. Research is doing surprisingly well considering that I have low population and no libraries yet. At the moment Sotakirves is taking out all the possible production out of its somewhat low production lands and that is enough to put us second. That is however quite far away from France, who proud about his great production capital. Somehow the Aztec army is close to top.

Aztecs started the game so far away from others that I felt safe to build wonders. Stonehenge took a long time since there is not much production around Sotakirves, but I think others were not trying to build it yet. It is often last of the early wonders to be build since people go for Great Library or Pyramids. I hope that it is enough to give religion for Aztecs. There was no religious City States nearby but apparently there was some taken from ruins.

Civilizations on map

Aztecs will probably build 6-7 cities since there is enough room. Jungles and forrests of east are somewhat problematic but by the time I build a city there, there will be enough workers to clear some of the jungle. There is also a suitable river for floating gardens. A bit unluckily there wont be that Aztec special building in all of Aztec cities, since there is not many rivers. Nor natural wonders. Those seem to be avoinding my civs..

While Aztecs were located quite far away from others, the others were located closely and that caused the early wars Aztecs are now following from far. Dutch were quik to plead for help when they saw Huns coming in, but Aztecs gave them no help. Dutch have a strong starting place so I hope that the Huns are able to weaken them.

Apart from Dutch, India and Arabia seem to be threatingly strong. Assyria attacked Arabia and was unlucky. Had his invasion started a turn earlier and Arabs could not have finished Terracotta army and so Arabian Capital had been taken by Assyria. India seems to be supporting Arabia. It suits him well that his neigbors are fighting each other while he has somewhat empy space for cities with mountains in west. They can in theory be strong in technology with those mountains.

Nearest neighbor for Aztecs is Ottoman Empire. Ottomans are not doing so well so I don't consider them a threat. Actually since they are so weak I think there might be a possibility for alliance in early game.

French are last civilization to be found. They seem to be strong in production, but if they are not located near Aztecs they are probably no threat. Yeat. They just might be located East from Arabia and Assyria and then in perfect place to launch assault over the sea. Sotakirves happens to be on coast and so is Raudan Maku and also two more cities when Aztecs get to build them in future.

PS: For those who like to know the names of Aztec cities but don't speak Finnish so well, here they are.

Sotakirves = Battle-Axe, or War Axe
Uhratut Pellot = Sacrified Fields
Raudan Maku = Taste of Iron
Great to see you guys doing another game. The last one made a great read, and I'm sure this one will, too!
Great to see you guys doing another game. The last one made a great read, and I'm sure this one will, too!

After the last game I was sure there would be less people for the next one. But then we had a couple of old players back and couple of new ones for this time. So like the last time, there will be probably posts from the perspective of other players as well. :)
So what up here. Not playing the game or just no one posting?

Last weekend was mid-summer, so in Finland most people are in summer house/cottage and have their hollidays in following week.

I am actually playing at the moment, so there will be bloo... update in this week. :)
Last weekend was mid-summer, so in Finland most people are in summer house/cottage and have their hollidays in following week.

I am actually playing at the moment, so there will be bloo... update in this week. :)

Uuuhhf, how exiting! Cant wait to se who bleeds first:whipped:
Part 2, Hanging Gardens
Turns 92-106

The Aztec Empire completed their next Grand Project for their bloodthirsty gods by building the Hanging Gardens in Sotakirves. Soon these gardens were filled with hanged barbarians as a offering for the great god Zeus. Zeus got his statue soon enough near the gardens and that statue was to be coverend in blood of the enemies of Empire in future.

Scouting the Indian civilization

During this time rest of the civilizations of the world were fighting amongst themselves. Huns prevailed against the Dutch and took one of their cities in the war that continued. Aztecs made a agreenment with Huns to share embassies and to trade precious gemstones for spices. In the meantime Arabia was succesfully defeating the armies of Assyria. Assyrian leaders had lost their mind for the madness caused by defeat of Mekka and were in their road to doom.

However their doom never came, not by the spears of Arabia. So it was decided by Firaxis, The Great God of Lagg and Frustration, who tortures the world by pausing the lives of the people in all over the world and freezing them in place for long periods of time. For all this time the people can observe the passing time but can never complete their tasks before the gods loses his interest of torturing the nations of the world. First the Indians were forced to abandon the world, and then the French Empire followed in this pit of doom and despair. And so the end times were nearing when Aztecs founded a religion of Uhrilampaat in 175BC. Named for people of the world, who were the Sacrifial Lambs for God of Lagg and despair.

Year 175BC, the end of the world?

And so it looks like this game came to its end early. We had lots of lagging already two weeks ago and it was only worse today. It got better couple of times when people quit, but there no sense in continuing the game if 3 of the civilizations are run by AI and therefore unbalancing the crap out of the game. We might try it again next week through Hamachi, but if that don't help, then sadly this game just ended today.
:badcomp: That's bad to hear. I hope you guys can get this working again.
Aww that sucks I love these stories.
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