(NAB) Starting locations bug - introduced by Conquests - detailed report

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's and Fall creator
May 23, 2001
Japan / Italy / Germany
I've found an horrible bug.

When loading a map with fixed starting location with the Conquests exe, Spain messes up the starting locations: its location is exchanged with some other civs. Sometimes it's in Rome starting loc., sometimes in Greece, etc.

It happened in these cases:

- with a 180x180 world map, always
- with a 160x160 randomly generated map with assigned starting locations, only if number of players is >20

It didn't happen in these cases:

- with a 80x80 randomly generated map
- with a 160x160 randomly generated map with assigned starting locations, only if number of players is <=20
- loading the scenario with PTW or standard Civ3
- if Spanish starting location is assigned to no-one AND in the startup screen "ALL RANDOM" is selected AND the player isn't Spain.

I tried everything to fix this: changing colors, even deleting and re-creating Spain...nothing to do.

I hope this is solved in next patch, and I expect someone from Firaxis to assure this.
hehe, it's always Spain, huh? ;) (I had the SAME exact problem...) You have to turn on "edit player data" in the editor, then save it.
Do you mean "Custome Player Data"? Or is there something else? Is this because Spain is seafaring, and doesn't start on the sea?
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