New Deity MGE Succession Game

Changed production in some cities. Antium recieves the new status of second helper of Pisae. Pisae switches to courthouse.

475 bc: Barbarian ship appears near the horizon at Ravenna. Garisson moves out for coasline-protection. Rush-bought the settler there.

450 bc: Barbarian ship moves on. Dip is now in position. City regarissoned. Antium in disorder.

425 bc: Trondheim (Viking) builds lighthouse. Barbarians land. We buy and archer for 61 gold, and a trireme for 82 gold. The other archer is killed. We discover horsemanriding. Head for literacy. (on the path to philosophy)
Wine-mine near Hispalis finished. Settler will start a new city.

400 bc: Rome finishes copper-caravan. (for Pisae) It starts another one. Egyptians pay 50 gold in tribute. Chinese pay 50 gold in tribute. We rush-buy Hanging gardens for 72 gold.

375 bc: Veii finishes hanging gardens. Babylonians change to MP, so Veii begins it right away. Chinese and Egyptians both pay 25 gold.

350 bc: An advanced tribe discovered on an island which I explored with the trireme, SW of Ravenna, W of Pisae.

325 bc: 700 000 inhabitants. Chinese give us the secret of Literacy. Egyptians give us 25 gold.

300 bc: We begin researching polytheism. (and if this is discovered, head for philosophy, and pick monotheism as extra tech, then Astronomy) Chinese give us 25 gold, the Egyptians give us masonry. (I think I better stop demanding tribute before they give us all their useless techs)
Well, I bought Canton, now a state of war exists between China and Rome.

275 bc: Chariot kills Chinese horseman. More and more soldiers arrive in the Chinese land. A pincir attack will soon begin, from the East and the West, the city of Nanking will be squeezed.

250 bc: Roits in Rome after the current emperor was killed. Ceremonies all over the empire. (hired an Elvis, don't know a solution yet)

For the next king: 2 caravans are very close to Pisae, they should be delivered. The settler NW of Veii must found a city on the place it stands on, after irrigating.
Status at 250 BC -- 15 cities, 15 techs; 1/8T at 3.0.7; 117g
1 Barr/ 3 temple/1 MKT/ 1 CH
9(2) Sett/31(5) Inf/ 3 Mount/ 1 boat/ 6 Dip/ 2 (4) Camel/// Wonders: Col, HG
225 BC -- move, very little (but some) reshuffling

200BC Discover Poly, on to Phil; Camel to Pisae from Rome (demanded -- 40g., Viro Camel, no longer demanded, rehomed in Pisae for Rome, where it is demanded.) Babylon almost complete with Marco (Argh -- we need 250+ gold (476 total, we have 221 on hand)to buy!)

175 BC -- Ninevah (Bab) completes MPE. Baby continues with Oracle. Veii switches to Pyr, (on hold for Mike's; England & America are also building Pyr)

150 embassy with Egypt (they have 4 cities, Map, 80g) Nanking is size 3

125 BC Sett starts building road to Heliopolis (dip watches cost to buy is 220g + incident) Take Nanking

100BC Pop = 900K; Found Syr, two cities blow up.

75 BC four cities blow up (other two recover) Pop = 1M

50 BC Discover Phil, Accept Mono (switch Pyr to Mike's) Establish embassy with China (4 cities, no techs, $80g) -- they offer $50g for a CF (refused). 4 Cities recover

25 BC Neapolis blows up (I guess they all want a turn) Posae camel arrives in Rome -- 50g; All four Chinese cities seen

1 AD -- Time for a yonger and faster ruler.
Reign of King Viking "this continent is ours" the III

Status: 16 cities, 18 techs, no. 1 in population.

1 AD (0): Adjust production in some cities, switch to temple in most of the cities that have an Elvis.

20 AD (1): Egyptians have nearly completed the Pyramids. Civil disorder in more cities, really need Mike now. Rush buy temple in Neapolis.

40 AD (2): The Vikings have nearly completed the Pyramids but the Egyptians build them so the Vikings switch to GW. IPRB Granary in Pisae since it is about to grow bigger.

60 AD (3): Civil disorder in Nanking. Maximize trade in Pisae and Rome, then a Hides caravan (demanded) from Rome arrives in Pisae, we get $36. Barbarians near Syracuse.

80 AD (4): Civil disorder in Canton. IPRB crusaders in Syracuse because of barbs. Peace with the Egyptians and demand tribute; they withdraw their troops and pay us $75.

100 AD (5): We discover Construction; no advance leading to republic available so choose Theoloy (=> Bach). City of Xinjian razed, $11 plundered and we get Map Making. RB barracks in Hispalis to get veteran crusaders against the Egyptians.

120 AD (6): Cease fire with the Chinese (otherwise they'd kill our crusaders) and then they pay $100 for a peace treaty (which won't last long...).

140 AD (7): Wealthiest civs: 3. Romans, 5. Egyptians, 6. Chinese. Demand tribute from the Chinese and they are stupid enough to declare war.

160 AD (8): Caravan (demanded) to Neapolis, we get $96.

180 AD (9): Caravan (demanded) to Cumae, only $16.

200 AD (10): Shanghai captured, $11 plundered and we refuse a cease fire (the Chinese have no $$ to pay us). The Chinese are no longer building the GL.

We should probably head straight for Republic now, we are ready for it, have the HG, Mike will be ours in a few turns and we have a partially completed trade network. Then Astronomy and Cope. Pisae is building a wonder but in retrospect this was probably a mistake by me, it should have built a Library (and we also really need a crusader and diplomat there in case barbarians show up, also city wall might be nice for national security reasons). However, I wanted Pisae to be ready for Cope.

We should probably try to expand into the areas north of Syracuse and east/northeast of Nanking and found cities there, preferably before republic.

The Chinese are toast, they have only two cities left now:
200 ad: Chinese horseman kills Roman one.

220 ad: Barbarians land near Lutetia. We kill a Chinese settler. A band of wandering nomads discovered on the north pole. (why were they wandering there??? :D )

240 ad: Another band of wandering nomads discovered on the Northpole. Beijng emptied. :evil:

260 ad: Barbarians land near Nanking, but the archer garrisson takes them out. Battle of Lutetia fought. The Roman archer legions kill 2 barbarian archers, after setting up an ambush using a sign: "Lutetia this way >". The stupid barbarians just marched right into the trap. Bought Mikes for 260 gold.

280 ad: Mike's completed in Veii. It starts another wonder, so we can switch that one to Leo's. Profit is now 20 gold a turn instead of 12 gold a turn, thanks to the workers who can now work again.

300 ad: Advanced tribe of Caesaraugusta found, on an island to the south. Tsingtao captured. (Chinese civilization destroyed)Romans now own the entire north of the continent. We discovered theology, and now head for The Republic.

320 ad: Bought the last barbarian archer near Lutetia.

340 ad: Caravan to Heliopolis.

360 ad: Nothing.

380 ad: Barbarians land near Byzantium. We only have 1 pikeman in the city. DARN. Palmyra founded.

400 ad: The battle which is called: the battle of the Byzantoburger Wald takes place in the woods near Byzantium. The Roman commander, Sylla, was invited to the barbarian camp, where they said that another tribe was going to attack them, and they offered a free passage to a safer place.
Sylla, weak a he was, believed it, and managed to convince all other commanders he was right.
So the legion marched into the woods, believing they were safe. The front and the back were not well defended, and then suddenly, the barbarians attacked, cowardly and managed to encircle the brave Roman legion.
They were caught into an ambush.
But the legion kept the morale high, but the losses were huge after the first day, including commander Sylla.
In the night, the legion (or what remained of it) dug in. The barbarians, which had huge regiments of archers, attacked again the next day.
But the legionnaires defended furiously, but their bad location was the reason they lost most of their men.
On the third day, the remaining soldiers managed to sneak away (leaving the city of Byzantium undefended), through barbarian lines, and managed to swim to Viroconium, where the told the story.

After hearing the story, the emperor was enraged, and descided to build a relief expedition, using diplomats, in the hope they would use the city to bribe archer regiments, which are not supported.
However, the king died suddenly, and the civilians descided to crown another man to king, an old and slow man. ;)
Status at 400 AD

Rome -- 22 cities, 21 Techs (10T @ 3.0.7), 40g. 3 out of 6 Wonders (2 in process).
13(1) Sett/ 38 (5) Inf./ 6 (1) Mounts/ 2 (3) boats/ 7 (1) Dip/ 2(7) Camel; We're Supreme & Honorable. We're first in everything that we care about.

Foreign -- (China is gone) Embassy with Egypt -- 4 cities (3 in view) 9 tech, Despot, Uncoop & Peace.

400 AD Babylon builds Great Library; England abandons their efforts. (What?? Instead of an Old n Slow leader we get an old & clueless leader -- and one who'll have to get by with inferior libraries!)

420 (1) -- some quiet moves

440 (2) -- southern pole hut yields barbs

460 (3) -- Egypt asks for peace (what? I thought we WERE at peace) we say no. We ask for tribute, they say WAR!

480 (4) -- Egypt discovers Math which we promptly steal from Heliopolis, next a hut yields Astronomy -- Pisae Switches to Copes, Veii switches to Sun Tsu

500 (5) -- Hut in North gives Seafaring (pleasant) A vet Crusader next to Heliopoli empties out the city, but it is now size one; stepping in with an archer would eliminate it, so we buy it (39g, 17 back), comes with a vet phalynx & a barracks, so it is a worthwhile deal. Kaupang builds Great Wall (what??! no warning? This king is seriously clueless!)

520 (6) -- We see an English explorer at the North Pole (so they already have Seafaring, -- so does Babylon), we chat -- they want a tech, we say no, they declare war, we buy the explorer (109g., maybe not a good deal, but if he can pop a couple of huts, it will be worth it; besides, the king felt that a bit of slavery might tame his diplomatic lip.)

540 (7) -- Pop = 2M Barbs land near Ravenna, two of their archers are killed, the other archer & the boat are purchased.

560 (8) -- time passes; two vet crusaders are moving from the Chinese front in the north to the Egyptian front in the south -- maybe they'll get there in time to make a difference.

580 (9) -- Hut on south pole gives some Nomads the chance to wander less & work more. A new city causes Pisae & Canton to blow up.

600 (10) -- hut gives university; Pisae & Canton recover. No news for the last two hundered years about any foreign civ starting any new wonders. On the eve of an oedo opportunity, the old but clueless leader thinks about starting a revolution for a republic, thinks twice and...passes the baton.

(The settler at (18,40,2) is looking at founding a city on (15,29,2) one space over. Copes should be completed in two turns; Veii is about two thirds complete with Sun Tsu; Rome has started J S Bach.)
Reign of King Viking "have more babies" IV

Status: No. 1 in pretty much everything. Pop. 2,190,000.

600 AD (0): Revolution (Oedo year).

620 AD (1): We become a republic. Bribe Byzantium for $52 and a neighboring Archer for $61. Change the supporting city of several units. Swap the wonders Rome and Veii are building, there's more production in Veii and Bach is a higher priority than Sun Tzu. Taxes temporarily to maximum (184/23) to prepare for WLTP, war against the Egyptians and wonder building. Disband several redundant units (no longer need them for riot control).

640 AD (2): Pisae builds Copernicus. Several units get automatically disbanded since their city can't support them.

660 AD (3): Cancel the Sun Tzu Project in Rome, the production there sucks. Memphis captured, $103 plundered.

680 AD (4): AAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: Stupid senate signs a cease fire with the Egyptians. Rush buy Bach. We steal the wheel from the English city of Warwick.

700 AD (5): Veii builds Bach, all Elvii become redundant. London found, it's poorly defended. Start WLTP, pop. 2,680,000.

720 AD (6): We discover Medicine. We get $44 from caravan delivery. Legion from hut on the north pole.

740 AD (7): Pop. 3,970,000. IPRB University in Pisae, sell the granary to fund it since we'll soon capture Thebes.

760 AD (8): WLTP stops in a few of the former Chinese cities. Pop. 5,060,000.

780 AD (9): Pop. 6,110,000.

800 AD (10): Viking capital moved to Aarhus. At last !!!! [dance] The Egyptians declare war in response to our demands. Thebes captured, :rocket: $84 plundered and we now have the Pyramids. Pop. 7,180,000 but WLTP running out of steam now, several cities of size 8, need lots of marketplaces and aqueducts so shutdown WLTP celebrations. Result: Luxuries set to 10%, sci. 70% (4 turns), tax 20% (83/36). This made lots of people very angry and Viking IV left the country in a hurry and another president took over.

I've been concentrating on infrastructure and wonders for the past several turns, thus taxes were at maximum and no science. The result: Two wonders (Bach and Copernicus) plus Pyramids captured, the population tripled and several markeplaces and a few aqueducts were built.

Viroconium is finishing barracks and will then build veteran crusaders to replace the horsemen unit in Pisae. This is necessary in case barbarians show up near Pisae, an absolutely crucial part of our empire. The last Egyptian city is almost certainly somewhere to the south or southeast of Heliopolis. From the appearance of their cities the English are weak.

Next wonders to head for: Magellan and Leo. Sun Tzu can be rush bought in a few turns (setting taxes again to maximum for a few turns might be a good idea) and Pisae must build Shakespeare to remain happy forever. We should probably head for democracy, we have Bach which enables a limited number of units outside cities in demo. With a trade network in place we'll make *lots* of $$ in demo.

(30,18) is a great site for a city; there is a settlers unit that is almost there.

our core cities:
800ad: Changed the tax-rate to 50 taxes/30 science/20 luxuries .

820 ad: Elephantine bribed for 236 gold. The Egyptian civ destroyed. It comes with 2 settlers, and to prevent famine, the city of Seleucia is built, which will build a settler and then relocate the city. 50 gold discovered on the North-pole.

840 ad: Founded the city of Artaxata.

860 ad: Discovered the Babylonians. We made peace, and gifted them 3 technologies. Change maps. They are on the same continent as the English, and the Vikings (the town of Hladir became visible). They seem to be at war with the Vikings.

880 ad: Barbarian leader inside English territory captured. We now have over 900 gold. (time to rush-build some things) Gold from Cumae to Pisae nets 162 gold. 2 NON settlers near Caesaraugusta are withdrawn to the home-continent.

900 ad: Engineering discovered. Head for invention.

920 ad: We talk to the Vikings, not intimidated by their threads, and they declare war on us. (Leaving our NON chariot next to an archer :( ) City of Aurelianorum founded.

940 ad: Rush-bought KRC in Pisae for 696 gold. (we don't need Shake's yet + We can use caravans for that)

960 ad: Pisae builds KRC, and starts Shake's. (done in 11 turns) Discovered the land of the Vikings further. They look really powerfull.

980 ad: Dye Caravan from Lugdunum to Pisae nets 180 gold.

1000 ad: The Consul dies, before his latest project can be completed: a ship-chain to the Viking-Babylonian-English continent.

I didn't do much with the growth. I built some more improvements, but most cities still need an aquaduct. I completed 1 wonder, and when we discover invention, we can switch to Leo's in Veii.
Pisae now has 28 shields, making it highly productive.
Maybe we need another time of growth...
Status at 1000 AD: Republic of Rome

Discover Invention, on to Sanitation (over Banking, Chiv, IW, Nav, TG)

32 cities/ 30 Tech/ (8T @ 5.2.3; now 5T @ 3.2.5) $1.2K g
6Barr/ 22 Temple/ 6 MKT/ 1 Lib/ 1 CH/ 3 Aq/ 1 Uni/ 2 Harb
14 Sett/ 46 (2) inf/ 7(1) Mount/ 6(4) boat/ 3 Dip/ 14 (17) Camel/ 1 Exp

Building 2 Wonders (approx. half done) We're Supreme & Excellent & #1 in all the good stuff)
Chinese gone, Egyptians gone, Viewed Babylon, Vikings, English -- no embassy. Hmmm, maybe there's a pattern here -- find a civ, establish an embassy, civ goes away...

1020 (1) -- Deliver a camel off shore, 56g. Do some PRB

1040 (2) -- Move quietly

1060 (3) -- Veii completes Sun Tsu, changes to some overdue infrastructure

1080 (4) -- Pisae completes Shake's, changes to some proto-infrastructure (in anticipation of Sanitation)

1100 (5) -- Discover Sanitation, (pisae completes a sewer with 'Just in Time' management technique). Pop = 8M

1120 (6) -- A camel from Rome with demanded gold for Pisae generates 138g. (Boats are moving north, then will move west laden with demanded goods -- hopefully some will still be demanded when they arrive)

1140 (7) -- Pisae has 8 trade arrows lost due to corruption -- The old n slow leader delays the decision to switch the capital, considering that having a democracy may eliminate this.

1160 (8) -- More quiet

1180 (9) -- Discover Banking (Babylon discovered this the turn before -- we may want to have Old China make a few dips -- have the dips establish embassies when the boats are looking for cargo in the future) -- aiming for Theory of Gravity (vs Chem, Chiv, Eco -- Nav not available this time (was last time -- might be worth getting nav, upgrading the transport capability with Magellan -- even though the trade bonus will decline). Pop = 9M

1200 (10) -- Pisae will complete a bank next turn; Rome will complete Leo's next turn.
Reign of President Viking V the rich

1200 AD (0): Rush buy crusaders in Nanking to chase a barbarian leader. Lower luxuries from 30% to 20%. Move a bunch of caravans next to Pisae into the city to prevent them from being all killed if enemies show up. Minor adjustments to production.

1220 AD (1): Rome completes Leonardo's workshop. PRB some stuff.

1240 AD (2): Peace treaty with the Vikings to prevent them from possibly sinking a valuable trireme.

1260 AD (3): We discover Theory of Gravity. We capture a barbarian leader and get $150, we also get about $300 from a few caravan deliveries to Pisae. City of Thunder Falls founded.

1280 AD (4): Pisae builds Isaac Newton's College. City of Londinium founded.

1300 AD (5): We discover Navigation. Taxes to maximum, we make almost $500 per turn.

1320 AD (6): Rush buy Magellan.

1340 AD (7): Pisae completes Magellan's Voyage. Largest civs: 1. Romans 2. Babylonians 3. English 4. Vikings. IPRB lot of stuff.

1360 AD (8): Deliver caravans. Lots of caravans approaching English territory. City of Isthmus founded.

1380 AD (9): Wine (demanded) to Canterbury, we get $160. Dye (demanded) to London, we get $910 and will discover Democracy next turn. Nomads from hut.

1400 AD (10): We discover Democracy. Gems (demanded) from Pisae to to Warwick, we get $822. Silk (demanded) from Pisae to Hastings, we get $1022 !! Economics will be discovered next turn. Delay other caravan deliveries until next turn so they'll be useful for the next advance after Economics. We now have more than $4000. Overall the high council is not (!!) very happy. Nomads from hut.

We are probably ready for Democracy, except possibly for all of the caravels (there may be problems if a city is supporting more than one caravel but I was too lazy to check if that is the case). We have a huge amount of gold that can be spent to IPRB markeplaces, aqueducts, sewer systems etc., probably soon time for another round of WLTP. Once we have Adam Smith we should start thinking of building some libraries too. We can build SOL now if we want to. It's also tempting to out go and destroy someone (I'd be tempted to go out for the Babylonians).
1400 ad: Rush-buy a lot of improvements

1420 ad: Change taxes to 40/10/50, and rush-buy even more.
Gems from Pisae to Warwick net 882 gold, and beakers. Copper from Pisae to Nottingham nets 876 gold and beakers. Iron Working will be discovered next turn.
Arretium and Gordion founded.

1440 ad: Discovered iron working, we now head for Chemistry. Wine from Pisae to Nottingham nets 1098 gold and beakers. Changed taxes to 10/40/50.
Rush-bought Adam Smith's Trading co for 640 gold.

1460 ad: Barbarians destroy the legion in Nanking. :( Population grows: 13 960 000 inhabitants now live in the Roman empire. Legion on an island pops hut: we get a nomad.
Hut in the south gives us 100 gold. Hut on English island gives us a NON-legion.

1480 ad: More than 15M inhabitants live in the Roman empire. We discover Chemistry and head for Gunpowder.

1500 ad: More than 16M inhabitants. Pisae begins The Statue of Liberty, which is rush-bought for 800 gold, so we can finally switch to democracy ...
Silver from Pisae to Aarhus nets 730 gold.
English demand navigation, I give it to them.

1510 ad: Pisae build Statue of Liberty. Wine and gold to Coventry net 815 gold.
Hides from Syracuse to Babylon net 176 gold.

1520 ad: 17 M inhabitants. Bridgebuilding discovered. We head for Explosives.

But consul Yop dies a mysterious disease, long before the people expected his death. His last words were: "I need time, but it's running out ... " ;)Romans 1520
Status at 1520

Republic of Rome has 38 cities/ 40 Techs/ 17M Pop, 4K $$/ 14 Wonders

18(3) Sett/ 48 (2) Inf/ 9 Mount/ 13(1) boat/ 3 Dip/ 19 (11) Camel/ 1 Exp

13 Aqua/ 3 Bank/ 1 Uni/ 1 Stock Ex/ 6 Sewer (and no where near enough Court haouses -- Justice must be done) Viroconium supports 4 boats (one is recalled & rehomed; some infrastructure is rushed for the inevitable...)

The citizens are unhappy since the consul resigned -- they revolt! (But they don't revolt for long about 40% of the budget was spent!)

1530 (2) -- Democracy! :D and for a sense of security, the citizens opt for an old guy to show stability (but tehy get an old guy who's a bit slow instead...)

1540 (3) -- Now that justice is served, many communities celebrate; Vikes sneak attack a camel outside of Ninevah! (At least it was a product not demanded.)

1550 (4) -- Discover Explosives -- on to Physics (Chiv) Pop = 18M

1560 (5) -- Pop = 19M

1570 (6) -- Pop = 20M

1580 (7) -- Discover Physics -- on to Magnetism (vs AT, Chiv, Metal, Steam) Pop = 21M -- Boats begin to arrive in the Golden QuadrantWine (d) to Nottingham = 1215; :eek: Dye (d) --> Nott = 972. Embassy with England -- 8 c/ 27 Tech/ Rep.; Embassy with Vikes -- 5 c/ 17 Tech/ Mon.

1590 (8) -- Discover Mag -- on to Metal (AT, Steam) (boat problem over; a number of boats were made from Pisae, these should be rehomed as soon as practicable) Silk (d) --> Nott = 1290; Wine (d) --> York = 1180 Pop = 22M

1600 (9) -- Discover Metal -- on to Elec (AT, Chiv, Conscription) Wine (d) --> London = 1100, Hides (d) --> Hastings = 768...Had to spend some $$ to bring the funds down to a manageable level (5K)

1910 (10) -- Discover Elec -- on to Conscrip (AT, Chiv, Steam) Dye (d) x2 -->Nott = 984 (x2) Embassy with Babylon -- 7 c/31 Tech/ Rep.

The citizens decide that the economy is moving too fast & opt for elections to replace the Old & maybe not so Slow leader.
Reign of President Viking VI the younger and faster

Status: Lightyears ahead of everyone else in everything. Pop. 24,970,000.

As the following log shows I decided to pay the Vikings a visit. When they saw all of the cash our diplomats and spies had to offer they decided to join our glorious empire. The decision we now face is: Conquer the world or build a spaceship ? The former can be achieved in less than 20 turns (build a few crusaders and maybe a cruiser or two for the capitals and spies to buy the other cities).

1610 AD (0): Rush buy stuff for a tiny fraction (almost $1000) of our gold. Start WLTP in a few cities that weren't celebrating (using ocean tiles instead of forest).

1620 AD (1): We discover conscription. Pop. 26,170,000. Copper to London yields $880. Hides to Hastings, we get $788 and Refrigeration will be discovered next turn. Newcastle subverted for $822, $82 plundered.

1630 AD (2): We discover Refrigeration. Pop. 28,930,000.

1640 AD (3): Silk to Ellipi, we get only $276. Dye there too yields only $188, both were demanded. Barbarian leader captured, we get $150. Uruk subverted for $910, $47 plundered. Pop. 31,450,000. Trondheim bribed for $1014. Check most cities and IPRB several caravans and sewer systems.

1650 AD (4): AARRRGGGHHH !! The Vikings steal Gunpowder from us. We discover Chivalry. Hides to Hastings, we get $788. Pop. 34,170,000. Kaupang bribed for $540, $247 plundered. Ship chain ferries several caravans from Pisae to English territory.

1660 AD (5): Grrrr... English aquire gunpowder from the Vikings. AAARRRRRRRGGGGHHHHH !!!!! $%#?*[}%% stupid cowards in the senate meet with the Vikings and sign a cease fire. Uppsala subverted (revenge !!) for $1218, $208 plundered. Wine (demanded) to Warwick, we get $835. Pop. 36,370,000.

1670 AD (6): Barbarians capture Londinium (we refused to pay $5000). We discover Steam Engine. Londinium bribed back for $234. Pop. 38,220,000. Dye (demanded) to Babylon, we get only $152. Dye to Warwick, we get $684. Wine to London, we get $745. Gold to Coventry, we get $906 and railroad on the next turn. Barbarian leader captured, we get $150 in ransom.

1680 AD (7): We discover Railroad. Gems to Warwick, we get $684. Dye to Nottingham, we get $512. Wool to Coventry, we get $202. Dye to Nottingham, we get $275. ARRRGHHH ! The Vikings withdraw troops in response to our demands instead of declaring war. Hladir subverted for $736, $158 plundered. Copper to Warwick, we get $230. Gold to Nottingham, we get $170. Gold to Warwick, we get $228 and we will get lots of texh next turn.

1690 AD (8): We discover Industrialization (which cancels the effects of the Hanging Gardens). Pisae completes Darwin's Voyage. We discover Communism and Espionage. Hides to Hastings, we get $272. Beads to London, we get $294. IPRB UN in Pisae.

1690 AD (9): Pisae builds United Nations. Civil disorder in Trondheim. Gold to Coventry, we get $380. Wine to Coventry yields $340. The Vikings do not declare war when we make demands so the Hawk Party in the senate authorizes military action. Aarhus captured, $213 plundered. VIKING CIVILIZATION DESTROYED BY THE MIGHTY ROMANS !! Pop. 42,540,000. Copper to London, we get $187.

1700 AD (10): The English and Babylonians exchange techs (fortunately only once). We discover Steel. Pisae grants Women's Suffrage. Pop. 43,400,000. Hides to Canterbury, we get $139 and to Hastings ($176).

WLTP should probably be stopped now, many cities can't grow until the land has been improved and supermarkets built or other improvements built to increase happiness. We are getting a lower trade bonus now than we used to so automobile (for superhighways) is a natural goal (unless we conquer the world before then !).

We are far ahead in techs, we have 54 techs, the Babylonians 33 and the English 32.
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