No Boats

Old n Slow

Feb 4, 2002
Vienna, VA, USA
A nice quiet game at deity -- no boats -- no foreign trade, no conquered cities (OK, Ok, there was one retake of my cities), never left the home island. I started out on a moderately small rock with a slew of techs -- start is attached below.

Ended up with about a dozen cities.

Actually, I think that this would be a great start for someone who has never played at deity level -- this start almost plays itself.

If there is some interst, I'll post a picture of my late game map (nope, never asked for a foreign map -- kept the vision small on purpose) just before Apollo.
Attached is a late game save -- 1929 (yes, very late) currently researching Future Tech.
Hehe. That's a VERY slow game.
Gentle..a very DANGEROUS word.:lol:
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