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Not important, but genuinely curious...


The soul devourer.
Dec 21, 2006
United States OF America
About apricots in this game. They're not a map resource, but you can build an apricot orchard in a city that has apples and olives. Apricots aren't a crossbreed between apples and olives as far as I can find, they're just naturally occuring in the real world. So I'm curious enough to even bother making a post about apricots in this game. What's the logic of having apricots not be a map bonus and making them an implied combination of apples and olives?
About apricots in this game. They're not a map resource, but you can build an apricot orchard in a city that has apples and olives. Apricots aren't a crossbreed between apples and olives as far as I can find, they're just naturally occuring in the real world. So I'm curious enough to even bother making a post about apricots in this game. What's the logic of having apricots not be a map bonus and making them an implied combination of apples and olives?
1. Maps are not big enough to have all the possible resources.
2. There is not map art for all the possible resources
3. The modder who made the buildings for all these extra resources made the decisions. The reasons behind some requirements are clearer than others.
3. The modder who made the buildings for all these extra resources made the decisions. The reasons behind some requirements are clearer than others.
I think the reasoning behind this design is that if an area have apples and olives naturally occurring there is a good chance that apricots are naturally occurring in that area as well.
There are many resource buildings that make this assumption, and i suppose some of those assumptions make more or less sense than others.
I think the reasoning behind this design is that if an area have apples and olives naturally occurring there is a good chance that apricots are naturally occurring in that area as well.
There are many resource buildings that make this assumption, and i suppose some of those assumptions make more or less sense than others.
I grew up in an area that could grow olives (ok) and apricots (very well) but could not grow apples at all.
The reasoning is that it is part of a set of agricultural buildings that present an agricultural resource that is only available to a combination of map resources being in the city vicinity. It's not going to make for a system that reflects the true commonality of a resource according to Earth but it introduces a set of 'elite' aggricultural resources that would be rare to obtain. These buildings are always made available by a unique combination of 2 map resources and there are no overlaps and it attempts to make it so that there is not an usual reliance on one or a limited set of agricultural map resources. It is not based 100% on research of what else grows in the area where you get things like peppercorn and apricots, but rather based on what combinations have been used or unused and the amount to which the resources in that pairing have been used for this purpose elsewhere. To some extent, some thinking about the flavor or nature of the map resources were a selection factor for the pairing that form the prereqs for the tertiary building that creates the 3d resource.

I might've said this totally stupidly but hopefully the point comes across. I think Hydro thought these out quite well when he designed them. It makes achieving these elite ag resources quite enjoyable.
It's just a pity that these buildings only give the general resource "fruit", if these buildings actually gave different resources (only the vineyard does that IIRC) in addition to "fruit" that could be really nice, even if these resources only gave :health: for a more balanced nutrition.
even if these resources only gave :health: for a more balanced nutrition.
I thought most of these did already. I know some reduce Air Pollution. But many more need to as well.
Speaking of combinations, I don't think I've ever seen or had a city have the combinations to produce poison in any game I've played
Speaking of combinations, I don't think I've ever seen or had a city have the combinations to produce poison in any game I've played
There's a few other ways, mushroom access and such, but the most common means is to subdue two snake units and use the first for a snake charmer and the second for a snake pit. That'll do it.
I think the Dart Frog is supposed to be able to build a poison producing building but I can't remember if it was ever implemented.
I think the Dart Frog is supposed to be able to build a poison producing building but I can't remember if it was ever implemented.
It did for a time then it went away.
Yeah this is true for all resources. Some can be combined to unlock extra resources. Its less based upon actually combining them, but more that they are similar or have similar attributes. Some even based upon regions. Such as crops unlocked with Corn (Maize) unlocks new world crops. And I think Kangaroo unlocked Australian based animal resources to hunt. I use to have a spread sheet with them all.
1. Maps are not big enough to have all the possible resources.
2. There is not map art for all the possible resources
3. The modder who made the buildings for all these extra resources made the decisions. The reasons behind some requirements are clearer than others.

Siding this, I have not seen some resources like tobacco or some drugs in tens of long games while others like figs, resin and silk are always present. Coffee and sugar are also very rare. There must be something wrong in the mechanism how the game decides what resources will be in the map.
Siding this, I have not seen some resources like tobacco or some drugs in tens of long games while others like figs, resin and silk are always present. Coffee and sugar are also very rare. There must be something wrong in the mechanism how the game decides what resources will be in the map.

As I replied to your Same post in the bug thread, if you play the same type Map all the time and pick the Same Leader to play all the time not all resources will show up (as Dancing posted as well).

Example, If I play Deganiwida of the Iroquois I get Tobacco all the time. But I also get an Northern hemisphere forested start that is bordering the tundra every time too if I use Perfect Mongoose Map.

We only have 2 part time Map makers atm and one is also doing Graphics work too (our main Graphics artist/modder is away for now). So yes there will be some oddities from time to time. The other only does The LEM and SEM maps.
Example, If I play Deganiwida of the Iroquois I get Tobacco all the time.

Selected character defines the map resouces ?? Oh thats not nice, I thought resources were based on total randomity as far as the map tile types allow. What a bummer... can't see any logic to make this so.
Selected character defines the map resouces ?? Oh thats not nice, I thought resources were based on total randomity as far as the map tile types allow. What a bummer... can't see any logic to make this so.
It is almost completely random. Sometimes I get it and other times not. It is not one of those limited to just one random continent either.
Why did it go away ?
I have no idea as that is not an area of the Mod I work in. Modders come and Modders go. Each does some work and then others make changes. There is No modder log book for this Mod.
I have no idea as that is not an area of the Mod I work in. Modders come and Modders go. Each does some work and then others make changes. There is No modder log book for this Mod.

Oh ok, can't think of any reason to remove such a logical and realistic way of getting poison.
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