Orthodoxy vs Catholicism: who is the chicken and who is the egg?


Well my religious backround is Mizrachi Jewish & Armenian Apostolic, and I'm non-denominational deist; there's no emotion behind what I'm saying. I just enjoy a good debate and I enjoy heated rhetoric as long as it's factual.

I'm not biased, Orthodox Christianity doesn't exactly have a glorious history in regard to tyrannies; with Russian confessors betraying people to the KGB; or the pathetic history of the Romanian clergy under Ceausescu; Serbia's apocolyptic 'Orthodoxism' idealogy which led to the Sarajevo & Srebrinica massacres.
This in contrast to the leading role Catholics played in resisting Communism in Poland.

Catholicism only happens to have the worst record because historically it has always been by far the richest, furthest ranging & most politically powerful of all the Christian sects. I'm only talking about the top-level here, if you compare ordinary believers you wouldn't find any difference.

Many things have changed since that, the head of the forum used to be spokesman for late Russian Patriarch Alexiy. He has a new forum now and fell out of favor with current leadership of the church. In general Russian Internet became less tolerant in the last decade, I am simply amazed with the amount of negativity.

Dostoevskiy is my most favorite writer of all times, with Karamazov Brothers being my most favorite book. While some people focus on his slavophile attitude, I see him and Tolstoy as the two greatest explorers of depths of human soul in World's literature.

I have very ecumenical attitude towards all the Christians, and take no sides in Christian debates , directing my energy on things that emphasize our unity rather than divisions. All my suggestions have to do with logic, history and gameplay, rather than my religious views. This mod is not a community project, we do not vote on changes we want to see in the mod, we discuss ideas and Leoreth does what he wants, affected by those ideas to the various degree. I don't see any can of worms to speak of. People have their ideas, forum has its rules. At this point I am frankly more interested in the next SVN commit...

Dostoevski is very good, but to be honest I wouldn't put him at top greatest level like Tolstoy, Chekhov, Pushkin or Nabokov. I sort of agree with Nabokov in that he was deeply flawed but extremely talented man who would have best put his gifts in theatre.
I think Demons was Dostoevski's greatest novel by a pretty good margin, but for some reason it's not mentioned with C&P or the Idiot. I always found the Karamazov Brothers a bit hard-going.
All I know is that Chekhov invented Chekov's gun.

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All I know is that Chekhov invented Chekov's gun.

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But tragically forgot to protect it against the radiation from the nuclear wessels...
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