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Paleolithic MOD beta version


Feb 1, 2002
This MOD changes the time frame of the game to more ancient times, and has considerable alterations to the rules.

To install it, download the 2 .zip files and extract them on the game directory. Some files will be overwriten. Then just follow the instructions in install.txt


To unistall it, download the 3 .zip files and extract them on the game directory. some files will be overwriten. then just follow the instructions in uninstall.txt

The concept at the core of this MOD is the shift of the time frame of the game from Ancient-Medieval-Industrial-Modern to Paleolithic-Neolithic-Ancient-Classical.

The most prominent changes are the available technologies and other tech-related issues.

The most important is the necessity of researching the jobs performed by workers. The players begins knowing practically nothing except how to build settlers, braves (a 1.1 unit), scouts and wealth. Most worker jobs are researched at the end of the Paleolithic and the beginning of the Neolithic, but some are available only in the Classical Age.

Terrain stats are also changed. To compensate for the inability to build roads, most terrains give one tax even without them. The open terrains (grassland, plains...) still receive the +1 bonus when a road is built.

Terrain bonuses also have to be researched. As such, the landscape suffers slight changes as the game evolves. Most productions bonuses are researched in the Paleolithic, most luxuries are researched in the Neolithic.

Building numbers are greatly diminished, as lots of buildings were removed and none added. The number of wonders is also quite reduced and there are only seven Great Wonders.

The number of units wasn't so severely reduced as I used the civ-specific units to make up for removed units.

The graphics are poorer than the original game as I made no new graphics, I merely extended the use of the few i saw fitted for this MOD. Also, there is a problem with the asian walled cities, they appear with a pink square around them, I don't understand why... Something similar happens with the leaders faces, but in black...

Civilizations are greatly altered. There are six new civilizations: Vicking, Turkey (some may notice the striking resemblance between the Sultan Suleyminiye of the Turks and the Tzarin Katheryna of Russia...), Israel (Abraham is still Abraham, just not the same Abraham), Britannia (as in britons, as in celt), Mali and Phoenicia. Other civilizations had their city names altered to more faithful versions. I'm quite proud of the egyptian names, the true names ancient egyptians gave their cities, and the iroquois names, all names of north american indian tribes. Other civilizations are not so well portraied, but I did the best I could.

There are still things to modify. Namely, most texts, like the one in the beginning of games (don't let it fool you, you don't have knowledge of irrigation, mining and road-building) or in civilopedia. I'll get to those when I have the time.

Also, the game crashes every now and then. I don't understand why. http://www.civfanatics.net/uploads/xerxes.zip contains a .sav file and a .txt with an error message. If you can figure out what went wrong there, please let me know...

I hope you all enjoy this MOD.

Sounds like an interesting mod Seileach. Is it possible to play this as a scenario so I don't have to write over my files? Just curious. When I get a chance I will try that out.
Unfortunately, no, it's not possible to play this MOD without overwrting files. The files overwriten are mainly graphics, so the game will look weird if you don't replace them.

It is also necessary to change some file names in the Units directory, that's what the .bat file does.

That's why I created the unpaleolithic files, to restore the original definitions, without being necessary to reinstall the game.


Cool, looks like you put some time into all of this. :) :goodjob:
BUT!!!!, the crashes are making me crazy please tell me you found an answer to the "errror reading: leader.ini"

You have to change the names of the great leaders ini files, becorse of the re-naming of the era´s.
Thanks Yoda did not crash once after that.

Now would it be possible to combine this tech tree with a custom map ie. Eruasia or The Mediterain or even China. I am not in need of an intro to computers class so to speak.

Been playing since Civ I but never created a mod of my own but I'm finding other people mods very intersting thinking I'll try "Challenge of History" next it looks very cool.
One of the wonders of PTW is that you can do mods without messing with the original installation. I'll download this when you do it that way.
Dang it! Every time I come up with an idea, some one else makes it first. . .:D
One of the wonders of PTW is that you can do mods without messing with the original installation. I'll download this when you do it that way.

Tholish, it was only twenty minutes work to convert Seileach's files into a scenario within my PTW structure (and I barely know what I'm doing!)

Seileach, are you going to do more on this mod? I have some ideas I want to try, but don't have the skills or the time for full-scale development myself (especially the skills!). It could be very good; a bit like TAM and Great Lost Civs, but with a slower, and older, start premise. I think getting the pace right will be crucial to the flavour (so, for example, I'm not so sure about the extra income from squares at the start; perhaps ther should just be a slower growth?)
I'm glad someone liked my MOD. I had lots of fun with it, but eventually, it lost its allure, as i knew it would. right now, i don't even play civ...

I found the extra income necessary, else the growth rate would be painstakingly slow.

Please feel free to play around with it and improve it, and have fun.

And it seems so did the makers of CONQUESTs there is a version of it in the expansion. Go figure. again great mod.

Oh and don't tell me not to dig up old threads I'll dig as deap as I like thanks.
Though this is a long-dead thread, Iw as curious if anyone would know the eaiest method to convert these files into a scenario folder? I am unsure of what to do with the .bat file in the original download.
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