Pre-NutraNESIII: Heirs of the Dragonborn

Hello Horse/Nutra. Am I the only Taleworlder here? Oh well. I'm the only one that matters :p

Gendo I like "August" and "Salamander" but not necessarily the two together.
Diplomatic ...Because no one else is.
Derp, still reading
5th symbol, first column. The one that looks like a guy brandishing a sword and shield.
Welcome to our belligerent little community! :D
Don't worry, I come from a snarky community. That seems to handle belligerence well. :cool:
You know what else handles belligerence? An avatar. Get one! :D
Hello Horse/Nutra. Am I the only Taleworlder here? Oh well. I'm the only one that matters :p

Gendo I like "August" and "Salamander" but not necessarily the two together.
Diplomatic ...Because no one else is.
Derp, still reading
5th symbol, first column. The one that looks like a guy brandishing a sword and shield.

Devercia! I was hoping you would come. The people here are pretty nice and it appears a lot less antagonistic than taleworlds, but there's always drama lurking somewhere. Mostly on the nature of fan-fic and alt-history.

Halfway through the stats for every settlement. Then I just create units (which should take far less time). Woo! Here's the completed map w/o flags (don't want you all to create battle strategies just yet.)

Spoiler :
Creating units now. I'm starting to think it would be awesome to change the Wazsaja into vicious little pygmies with the strength of 2 normal sized men....
World setting questions:

1) What is the fantaswy factor? Obviously we have fantasy creatures and legends, but what about supernatural stuff? Do the laws of physics apply?

2) are you going to make us cities or do we choose? That Zawi seem to be screwed based on the map.

3) Do we compete for dominance within or tribe while cooperating or is it every man for himself?
1) The laws of physics apply to the extent that I understand them! (that is 0). Magic exists, so does sci-fi. In general both are kept low, low, low. For instance: some magical creatures exist. By 'magical' I mean 'not seen in the real world'. Some people ride battle rhinos, for instance. There is a race of vicious bird monsters in some chain of mountains. Some trees are not just trees. Regardless I try to keep it far from "I CAST MAGIC MISSILE" as possible. If a player gets hold of magic it will be after some terrible struggle on his part. And it won't really be magic at all!

ex: The Zawi have access to something that most other races will find utterly magical. The Boltcaster. It's this weird handheld thing that shoots out stone fast and hard enough to pierce most kinds of armor. In reality it's just a crossbow.

2) No, no! You guys do not begin on the middle continent--that is just where the Queen & Prophet are based. You all begin on various shores of the three continents. D-Day style.

3) You all compete however you may wish! Some may go it alone, some may cooperate, all will probably threaten the Queen & Prophet.
edit: On second thought I can run the NES w/ this new system while keeping the old premise.
Well ideally it's starting tomorrow.... I'm doing the provinces for the last continent as we speak.
Nutranurse: I am really glad you edited post 70.
You can join! I'll just have to change your name because the Yvethlings are unfamiliar with Elephants. Those will be a surprise.
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