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Probably a stupid question

Oct 29, 2014
Is there anyway to instead only showing buildings that affect air pollution show only buildings that don't affect air pollution? I have the base factory in all my cities and the bonus factories and other smog producing are filling up my build list. Thank you for any assistance.

Also while talking about factories why does the book factory go obsolete but not pencils, paper, and calculators?
Building making modder(s) oversight on the last ?.

If the build que Icons don't then I don't know of any way for the 1st ?.
OK, thank you.
These kind of supply line issues, including evaluation of the honest usefulness of manufactured resources to a society at varous stages of technology, are something I'm definitely getting on my radar for evaluation. I'm looking at adding numerous more specific resources but also making sure that they span the tech tree as far as they are useful and when they are, they are deriving benefit in an appropriate manner. I have some game theories and approaches coming together to apply and the building review journey I've begun here is going to be a big part of that.

Point is, this is NOT a stupid question but the type of thing that the mod struggles with in numerous places.
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Paper and pencil probably will never go obsolete.
I can think of two downsides of paper that might give an incentive to replace it one day:
  • It requires wood, so a lot of trees get cut down for paper
  • It has sharp edges (OK, that's a bit of a whiner reason, but some people might still like a replacement for that reason)
If something is discovered that deals with those problems while keeping the advantages of paper (including being biodegradable at least with an additive), paper could be replaced.
It does not require wood, you can make it out of any plant material almost and other fibers also.
Very true for today's paper.

But we did have a time period where paper "was" using large amounts of wood. Late Industrial and early Modern eras game wise (and real time).
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