Question about AI amphibious attack ability


Unindicted Co-Conspirator
Aug 29, 2004
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
This is a save file from a current game. I'm posting this because I'm worried about the AI's ability to successfully launch a cross-sea invasion. I am using only 3.17 + Solver's 0.19.

The Hammurabi/Frederick Permanent Alliance declared war on me and launched an attack. H/F are threatening me with their navy from the northern sea. Note that they have several transports in the navy stack adjacent to Alexandria.

However, I have almost nothing in Alexandria -- a maceman, that's it. They should've just attacked immediately with whatever they had in the transports and either captured the city or burned it down. Instead, they did nothing. In subsequent turns, they just started cruising around the northern sea. They never even unloaded their army. The AI's best hope in a war against a strong human player is to take him by surprise, grab a city or two, then hopefully smash the human's counterattack stack and hope he sues for peace. Here, the AI have more or less thrown away their best chance.;10880051;/fileinfo.html
i wish the AI had been that stupid in my last game.....
There are plenty of times I've been DoWed by distant enemies and never see them attack, but the war lasts forever because they don't get any WW and I refuse to give them tribute when they haven't done much beyond make me worry.

I also occasionally see a rather impressive-sounding DoW come out of nowhere, accompanied by a landing from a single Galleon, the units on which couldn't hope to take a city. (A memorable one: two Galleons dumped units at a city where I was stockpiling to invade someone else. They died quickly, then didn't have proper amounts of tribute, so I just built some boats and counter-invaded - didn't even need the Destroyers I'd just gotten.)

The point is, the AI makes stupid invasions or none at all.
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