Refreshing question...


Crusty Manhole
Aug 24, 2001
Aurora, CO
I notice when I jump on here, the threads don't go away as read... So a thread will look like it has a new post, but when I click, there is no new post, and I find myself wasting much time. Now is anyone else experiencing this or am I doing something wrong/stupid?

As an experiment, I did some reading and posting and then shut out. I immediately jumped back on, literally no more than 15 seconds after jumpin off, and it said some 265 posts had been made since I was last on? Es no poseebo, ah?
I don't feel refreshed reading that.

Where is the call for me to be removed/killed/drawn and quartered/destroyed?

Can't have feedback without that! :p

Okay how about:

If this isn't fixed immediately then AofA should be drawn and quartered, and the pieces left hanging on each of the main forums until they rot away!

Feel better? :D

On Topic, I've have always had this experience. I was just glad when TF added the "mark this forum as read" feature.
Well see now I jump on and it's all good... :confused: :crazyeye: Ah well, musta been a glitch or somethin... I dunno...

AOA, have I ever done that? I'll badmouth you here or there like I do everyone, but never a thread devoted solely to that...
Scarcasm wasn't aimed at you boys. ;)
Floppa Floppa Floppa, the answer to your q is well some where where logic doesnt exsit. No one can explain cookies and the strange ways in which they work. So just live with it...

OH btw when you got off for that 15 seconds, do you have it ticked to where you stay auto logged in? Even if you dont there is general a time limit like 3 mins or somthing in which the cookie session will be erased... get me?

Oh yeah I thought of somthing else... do you use the back button a lot? To go from forum to thread and back? That could be the deal... also if you are talking about the main forum page well the forums might say they contain new post then you go to the forum and all the threads are marked read.. is that what you are talkign about?
Spy nailed it pretty much. I do use auto log on, and I do use back button constantly here... But they were not marked read, but that is most likely the 3 minute timing you mentioned... ? :) Well, it doesn't always happen, just every now and then. :goodjob:
As for me, I am cookied (although behind the firewall at work, the cookies seem to get lost occasionally). I uses the Back Button about 1/2 the time or less. Usually, I use the bottom chains. Generally speaking, for me, nothing gets marked as read unless I manually mark the forum so, or after a looooong time.
Threads will usually be marked as read when I view them but when I come back a little bit later, it will say the thread has had new posts in it, even though mine was the last one.
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