scrolling scoreboard

How do you notice that it doesn't work any longer?
Because when i look at the code, the scoreboard automatically gets the maximum number of civs, and i can't see where it could fail.
I put it in my mod, and i started playing the 2011 scenarios, which has 49 civs. the top of the scoreboard was mexico i think, and i was playing as america, and the whole scoreboard was filled up, ill redownload it, put it in again and hopefully itll work, but ill send screenshots if it doesnt again.

And im not sure if it does, since even if thers only lets say 8 civs, theres still the scroll that goes up and down even tho its almost all empty
same problem. mexico was at top, obviously since im america i would be above mexico, here a the download am i suppose to get something morethen just the maininterface python? that all i get, making sure thats all i need. heres a screenshot


  • Civ4ScreenShot0035.JPG
    217.2 KB · Views: 93
That should be enough, since the main interface is done in that file. it only you who is missing, or also other civs?

Other civs, the scorboard scroll is always the same size no matter the number of civs. The maximum looks to be about 35, so in my case, the top 14 scores (i have 49 civs) do not show up
mmhh...i guess the problem might be somewhere here:
		screen.addPanel( "ScoreBackground", u"", u"", False, True, xResolution - 50, yResolution, 0, yResolution, PanelStyles.PANEL_STYLE_CITY_COLUMNL )

The height of the panel is yResolution (the second one), so it's max. as high as your y resolution. And if you have more civs, then the remaining ones might get cut off.
For testing, i suggest that you make that parameter higher, just test if yResolution*2 makes a difference.
mmhh...i guess the problem might be somewhere here:
		screen.addPanel( "ScoreBackground", u"", u"", False, True, xResolution - 50, yResolution, 0, yResolution, PanelStyles.PANEL_STYLE_CITY_COLUMNL )

The height of the panel is yResolution (the second one), so it's max. as high as your y resolution. And if you have more civs, then the remaining ones might get cut off.
For testing, i suggest that you make that parameter higher, just test if yResolution*2 makes a difference.

Didnt work, tried changing it to 2, didnt mke a difference so tried 50, still no diffference :mad:
Hint: Enable Python exceptions in the main INI file. There might be a "hidden" error somewhere in the code, preventing the whole thing to be executed.
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