Snapshot of Lanun's Cultural Victory


Crazy Horse
Mar 20, 2009
the 1800s
The sidar worked long and hard on a religious tradition to stand the test of time. The pope of Shadows worked his magics over the Sidar peoples, in preparation for a bright and beautiful future. What he wasn't counting on, however, was the crafty wiles of the Lanun people. They boasted and bragged of an army that was never to come, instead focusing all of their efforts to great culture.

The sidar therefore were sluggish to work an invasion force together, instead focusing on economics and defenses.

Even so, the Sidar were able to wield a mighty force, carried upon it by a formidable navy.

Therefore, as the Lanun's victory seemed assured, the Sidar sent forth an Earth-shattering invasion armada.

The armies landed, but not before the Lanun raised the very seas into a hellish killing field. The Sidar armada was shattered into splinters, but the majority of the army landed safely ashore.

The lanun victory was on the horizon as the Sidar stormed the walls ... and after a few bitter months of fighting, the city was razed.

But too late! it seemed. Because, the city that was razed, was not one of the centres of culture.

Flabberghasted, the Sidar army forcemarched to the Lanun capital, while all lanun forces marshalled there as well.

Then, as the Sidar army was but a day's march from the capital, the Lanun won a cultural victory.


If the Elohim had entered the war with whatever small force they could muster, it may well could have turned the tide for the Sidar people, and the rest of the world as well.

As it is however, the cultural victory was too fast for the Luchuirp/Sidar alliance, and the Luchuirp armies never saw a single Lanun soldier. Mere months perhaps from landing on Lanun shores.
.. uhuh...
nice 'snapshot'
yes, I apologize for the lack of pictures. If I find the saves, I'll try to get some pics up.
no, really, I liked it, even without pics.
your writing was graphical enough
the "uhuh" was for the sad ending... being flooded in watery lanun culture...yuck.
imagine, not being able to erase that culture from the world, even if you kill every lanun-speaker ?

(save if you are lanun of course)
glad you liked it ^_^
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