Succession Game: Around the Roman World in 80 Days

The Not Too Exciting History of John The Not So Noble. This was mostly a period of internal growth, infrastructure building, etc.

200 John The Not So Noble assumes his reign over Rome. The people have decided that this empire has been long enough under a monarchy and demand a new government. Since our great empire has knowledge of The Republic John sets about installing a Republican government, with himself as head, of course. John may not be noble but he’s no fool either.
180 This was easier than I thought. With a little help from Oedo I was able to install the new Republic in record time. Great Kronas has completed its project, the War Academy. Kronas will now assist other cities with their projects by supplying food caravans to those cities. John also spent time during this period making sure that the right projects are being built.
160 Found important information regarding the scientific concept of Invention in a hut once occupied by another tribe. We were about to discover invention anyway so…
140 We switched to Democracy and finished that in a single turn. We are now researching gunpowder.
120 Those pesky Romans! Guess what they want now? A Democratic government! And yes, they are revolting!
100 Once again Oedo comes to the rescue and we now have a new Democratic government.
80 Xerxes founded. (That’s still mostly easy to pronounce, right? ;-)) Frank founded.
60 Rome completes research into Steam Engines. Antium builds Isaac Newton’s. We are now doing scientific advances every 3 turns. :-D
1 Discovered the Railroad. Now working on Industrialization.
40 Carthage offered peace, we accepted. They had to because of the Great Wall, we had to because of our Senate.
60 We have completed research on Industrialization and are now researching Atomic Theory.
80 Finished Leonardo’s Workshop. Many, many automatic upgrades took place, so many that it almost caused a riot among the people. Rome is now ¾ complete building the Statue of Liberty so we can have full flexibility with our government. We are then free to choose our destiny, whether it be peaceful expansion or bloodthirsty domination of the world’s peoples.
The Reign of Magnus Inglorian of the Roman Empire

we are the number one civilization in the world! We have the top 5 cities, we possess all of the unexpired Wonders of the World, We have 8.5 million citizens, and we are destined for even greater things to come.

The people have a democracy? how strange - I must share my power with a SENATE? how may I be great when i am not acting alone by dictatorial whim? Time to plot the overthrow of the government and give the people what they need! ME!

first let's get those wonders finished pronto - we are currently working on the Great Saling Expedition, The Great (Modern) Statue and The Great Bank - I would also like to add the Great Discovery! (Darwin's Voyage) to the Roman Resumé, but we shall see how many concurrent Wonders the Empire can manage.

First act is to knock science down from 80% to 30% and increase taxes from 20% to 60% and will bow to Elvis for the time being and pop luxuries to 10%, just so no revolts will happen.... that is until this fraglei democracy is UNLOADED!!!! science in 6 turns, taxes at 469-91 (+378 profit) I arrive with a pitiful treasury of 128 gold.

and now the timeline:

100 - the road to Magnus's glory is paved by the departure of the previous King John, who leaves an empire in great shape - no war, although the rest of the world is JEALOUS.

120 - Babylonians and Egyptians form "Elephantine Pact" against our 'agression'. Pisae celebrates we love Magnus Day. The Emperor shows his thanks by purchasing them an aqueduct.

140 - Pisae finishes celebrating, Magnus decides to see what other cities can get intot he groove by nudging luxuries to 20%.

160 - French and Carthaginians AND Sioux sign "Carthage Pact" - this is getting a little silly, we cna take them ALL on no problem - bring it on! True to form, 'Magnus fever' strikes Brundisium, Byzantium, Hispalis, Kronas, Pompeii, Neapolis, Cumae, Antium, Veii, Washington, Rome and of course Pisae! Dido of Carthage (1 spear) wishes to speak to Magnus: She demands gunpowder, I see no reason to give it to someone who would ally against us - she huffs and puffs but that's about it - muttering somwthing about a great wall... somehow, after the exchange her opinion of us improves from Hostile to Icy...

180 - Discover the secret of THE CORPORATION, begin the process of discovering CHEMISTRY. The Great Bank is built in Rome! Rome changes to harbor. the Empire exceeds 10,000,000 citizens! Antium begins Great Voyage Wonder. Gordion founded on a new continent south of Palmyra and Xerxes (Xerxes???).

200 - Science rate increased to 40% (4 turns per advance), taxes maintained at 50% (468-49) net 419 gold, Luxuries dropped to 10% as most cities are finished celebrating.

220 - The Sioux have begun the Great Expedition (hopefully we will beat them - Rome must rule the seas!) Barbarians attack Crusaders south of Gordion. The crusader survives FIVE barbarian horsemen~!

240 - the lost turn - nothing much happening if you can believe it.

260 - CHEMISTRY discovered, scientists set to work on COMMUNISM (for the United Nations!)

280 - dum de dum - more empire maintenance - fortification built in mountains outside of Utica where diplomat and Musketeer watch over the enemy...

300 - barbarians land near Xerxes. Empire building is so much fun! I suppose I should build railroads at some point, eh?

320 - LOTS of foreign trading tech! Brundisium finishes The GREAT STATUE!!!! now I can govern in any way I see fit - Communism (a fitting militarist government) here we come! ROME SELLS TEMPLE!!!! why? oh maybe because its been there unnecessarily for thousands of years since the city has the Shakespeare's Theatre Wonder!!!!! diplomat finds 50 gold in them thar hills.

340 - Sioux caravan arrives near Lutetia - oh goody. and its a HOSTILE TALKING CAMEL!!! we give it a listen... (2 spears) They want railroad.... PAH! Learn it yourself. we send them packing. AHHH and they THEN try to sneak a crusader off the same boat!!! I smell a sneak attack... MINE!!! Magnus orders a change of government. We discover COMMUNISM which has the unfortunate effect of ending our great embassy of old - but we change production in Antium from the great voyage of darwin to the United Nations! we begin learning EXPLOSIVES to beget Engineers! diplomat pops hut near 'Frank' city --- 100 gold - not bad! we attack the Sioux crusader who dares land near our glorious city - this will spark a worldwide war against us but we are ready! we are now at war with both Carthage and the Sioux.

360 - Carthaginians throw themselves at the great fortress in the mountians outside of Utica but they cannot defeat the now veteran musleteers with mere phalanxes and crusaders! Communist Government installed as Rome prepares to crush her vile enemies. Perhaps this will have to be finished on succeeding rulers as Magnus is looking a bit worn these days. Taxes at 40% (185-56) 129 net, science at 7 turns.

380 - Arbela completes The Great Sailing Expedition! 2 movement added to all Roman Ships! Carthaginians routed by Roman defenders of Utica!

400 - Roman diplomat finds 50 gold in hills! Magnus's reign ends on a good note.

OK we are at war, but that is only an excuse for further conquest@ viva Roma and best of luck to the new emperor! there are now 11 million citizens of Rome! current taxes are 70% (474-58) net 416 gold and science advance every 7 turns at 30%. treasury is 551 gold.
Carthage conquered

Agrippina founded

Explosives discovered. Leonardo demand compensation for overtime work when ordered to transform 24 settlers into engineers in his workshop.

Malaca captured

Elections held. 99% vote for the communist party.

Diplomat walks into innocent looking little hut just to discover a HORDE of barbarians hiding inside.

Our "people's republic" is the richest and most powerful nation in the world. Still the roman people are burdened by an oppressive 70% tax rate, forced to slave labour and executed for speaking out against government. Talar IV cannot tolerate this any longer! It's time for a new election without armed guards "helping" people place their vote.

Talar IV promise a future of peace and technological advancement and is elected as president of the new Roman democracy.

The wars fought against Carthagians and Sioux by the former regime is now ended and peace treaties signed.

Espionage discovered, diplomats upgraded to spies.

Discovery rate is now once every 2 turns with a science rating of 70%. Luxuries set to 20% to celebrate the overthrowing of our former communist government. [party]

Several cities hold celebrations
Some obsolete caravels disbanded. About 1500 gold used for rushbuying. It's time to start enjoying the benefits of that extra trade/square.

Refining discovered

Combustion discovered. Flight next (was the only choice).
Did a one-turn discovery here with the help of a caravan arriving in Thebes.

Embassy established in the babylonian city of Memphis.
Another 1000 gold used for rushbuying.

Flight discovered. Tourists finally got tired of that old thing standing in the harbor of Antium. Egyptian embassy established. Population is now 16 million.

Carthaginian embassy established. (I know we will soon have the the great ultimate embassy, but it's free so why not?)

United Nations finished in Antium! Some tech discovered (don't remember which one). We can now safely research metallurgy.

Darwin's voyage is almost completed. Science and economy have never been better.

President Talar IV dies in non-curable cancer caused by overexposure to scientific light bulbs. His short period as president will be remembered as a golden age of scientific and cultural advancement.
Magnus and I obviously have very different playing styles in civ. Sorry Magnus, but I just ruined your plans again :crazyeyes
that's the fun of succession, although in actuality we are very similar - I have just 'dumbed' my game down for Prince level... figured democracy was just too damn easy. anyway, all I do is keep making settlers (oops I mean engineers) - I got the last game with 3 settlers and left it with 24...
yes, prince level might be a bit to easy for succession, I suppose it could be played a bit more relaxed. Something I noticed is that every time I receive a save game it's crowded with caravans. :) I'm having a real headache to figure out how to do anything useful with them as I don't usually build very many in my own games (and never food caravans). Mostly they just go to wonderbuilding.

I'm looking forward to the next communist revolution. ;) My democratic freedom fighters will be there to overthrow you in a counterrevolution as soon as I get my hands on the savegame :D

yea I tend to be a little too caravan happy - OK the next game you will recieve will be despotism and a bigger army than you could ever imagine :p ;)
It is a time of prosperity for the Roman Empire. A time when a man such as Marcus II could come to power...a man who isn't quite a statesman, isn't quite a conquer...a man who is just good at his job. Behold, the reign of...Marcus II, the Competent!

700 AD - President Marcus II elected in landslide victory (Antium rocked by toilet paper scandal!)

720 AD - Metalurgy discovered, last Carthaginian city joins Roman Empire (Senator Cicero complains that Punic war was too easy)

740 AD - Talarium completes Darwin's Voyage, Conscription discovered, Leadership discovered (Roman scientific community unimpressed by Darwin's findings; "Hey, ANYBODY could go and discover a turtle," leading scientist states)

780 AD - Tactics discovered ("I suddenly realized that if you actually MOVE troops around on the battlefield, you win more battles!" General Scipio declares)

820 AD - Electricity discovered (Kite-flyer has shocking experience)

860 AD - Genetic Engineering discovered, Cyrene founded (Mayor of Pompeii denies rumors that nearby volcano is active)

880 AD - Tyrus founded (Mayor of Pompeii denies responsibility for volcano erupting and burying arena in twelve feet of ash)

900 AD - Steel discovered, Verona founded (One gentleman of Verona starts slandering the other)

920 AD - Babylonians steal technology, war is declared, Corfinium founded (Antium rocked by second toilet paper scandal; mayor denies involvement)

960 AD - Refrigeration discovered, Mediolanum founded (President complimented on his method of running the empire without actually making any decisions)

980 AD - Spy captures Assur by stealth, Treveri founded (Mayor of Assur found tied up in attic; lover declares "We were playing house...Roman Polanski's ‘House'")

1000 AD - Machine tools discovered, Sirmium founded, Marcus II finishes his term and steps down, and is remembered as Marcus the Competent.
1020 Our people have indeed come on prosperous times. Our coffers are full, we are scientifically advanced, and we are producing at record speed. In order to further enhance our production capability I have ordered our scientists to research Miniaturization so that we can build offshore platforms.
With the capture of London by the Barbarian Horde, it is reported that the English civilization has been destroyed.
1040 Miniaturization discovered, now, on to Automobile.
1050 Got Automobile, now going after Mass Production. Upon reflection I see that researching Automobile at this time may have been a mistake as it nullified the effect of Loe’s Workshop. :(
1070 Now researching Recycling
1100 Now researching Radio. For the past several turns I have been building infrastructure, mainly Banks or Stock Exchanges for gold and Libraries and Universities for science. I have also been adding Aqueducts and sewer systems so that city growth may continue.
1110 Bad news! Our city of Mediolanum was undefended when barbarians attacked. Medio is a young size 2 city and it was totally undefended. The barbs offered to spare the city for a measly 2100 gold! I told them Ha! For that you can have the city! They took Medio and plundered, now get this, 16 gold. Hahaha! I think we got the best of that deal! :)
1120 Now researching Advanced Flight
1130 The foolish Babylonians contacted us diplomatically. Because we house the U.N. they were compelled to offer peace, which we accepted. The war with Babylon is OVER!
1040 Now researching computers so we can build research labs. Medio, after repeated attacks by our cavalry unit is now down to size 1, one more attack and the barbarian menace on our shores should be ended. Looking at how far our empire has progressed I think it might be time to raise the luxury rate and let the people celebrate for a while. It will do them and our population good.

I regret that this will be my last turn in this succession, with the coming of Civ3 to my household I find my governing talents are required elsewhere. Good luck to you all.

What happened to our succession game?

I haven't received the save file so I suppose either Magnus or John have it.
Magnus IV arrives at the Roman throne in 1150AD. Here is the state of Empire at his ascension.

Government: Democracy
Treasury: 2300 gold
Profit per turn: 54 gold
Science: every 3 turns, currently discovering Computers.
Output: 10% taxes, 80% science, 10% luxuries
Cities: 44 somehow we have 5 wonders under production but there are only three wonders available. well!
Units: 21 engineers, 48 riflemen, 3 cavalry, 1 transport, 5 spies.
5 nations of the world hate us but are forced to be peaceful with us, one, the greeks, are cordial, but only because we have never spoken to them.
I don't believe any cities are celebrating at 10% luxuries, nor is there any unrest.
Somehow the barbarians own the city of Mediolarum! (I think we will have to pay them off).

first step is to lose the senate and form a warmongering communist tribunal
second step is to make contact with the greeks, just so everyone hates us evenly
third step is to build a massive military machine to destroy our foes when the time is right.
fourth step - ummm work a little on our infrastructure.
fifth step - fight a war when we are prepared for it.


1160 AD - contact greeks - they demand mapmaking, we give it to them and then get their maps. thanx! We pay off the barbarians in Mediolarum for a mere 22 gold. Brief 80% luxuries gets most of the cities celebrating so we can then cut back a bit and still enjoy the extra trade and have some income and science without the doves bothering us should war come about.

1170 AD - Taxes at 20%, science at 40 %, luxuries at 40% - net profit = 251 gold, science in 4 turns.

1180 AD - Computers discovered. science changed to Amphibious Warfare, Antium changed from Women's Suffrage to SETI Program.

1190 AD - its kinda funny watching chinese phalanxes being attacked bt barbarian musketeers.... Rome builds Eiffel Tower.

1200 AD - Artaxia completes our first air unit.

1210 AD - the quiet decade

1220 AD - Babylonians Industrialize! (they are only 1 ERA behind us now - lol) We discover Amphibious Warfare, now on to Guerilla Warfare.

1230 AD - Antium finishes SETI Program. Science rate upped to 50% (3 turns per advance), taxes dropped to 10% (profit 46) treasury currently at 2883 gold.

1240 AD - A Souix Explorer got in the way of one of our Musketeers so we killed it. We are now at war with the Sioux.

1250 AD - Guerilla Warfae discovered. Next is Labor Union.

1260 AD - Augustadorum founded.

1270 AD - Labor Union Discovered. Next is Fundamentalism.

1280 AD - The French steal Mobile Warfare from us (funny since we haven't discovered it yet ourselves) and we declare war on therm.

1290 AD - We plan the assault on Stony Lake

1300 AD - Syracuse finishes Cure for Cancer. We discover Fundamentalism, and next is Rocketry. We capture Stony Lake with our fine cavalry and take 142 gold in plunder! the Sioux come begging for peace and we give them it.

(OK Talar, time to overthrow my evil regime) :king:
Ahh, thats better! And all the Stalin portraits? -Just trow on the pile and let them burn with the rest - after a quick revolution president Talar V is cleaning his office.

Now our people will aim for higher goals (literally).

And now it's time to reorganize a few things outside my palace...

Rocketry discovered

Communist guerilla leader captured outside Artaxata

Space Flight discovered

Mobile warfare discovered :tank:
Women's Suffrage completed in Washington

The communist government of France falls and is replaced by a republic. Relations with between France and Rome instantly improve and a peace treaty is signed.

A small village of wooden huts is spotted on the island south of Augustadorum. This discovery give birth to a new theory among roman historians: The history records about emperor Talar I (known as Talar the Terrible) being eaten by a whale might not be entirely accurate. Historians suspect that he might just have navigated wrong on his way back to Rome and the people living on this island are the descendants of one of our ancient emperors and his trireme crew. This theory is further supported by the fact that emperor Talar I was not only illiterate and a lousy navigator, the knowledge of navigation wasn't even discovered at the time.

An expedition will immediatly be launched to investigate.

Egyptians steal space flight - How are they going to launch it? A giant catapult?

Babylonians discover communism (they can have this copy of "Marx for dummies" I found in a corner of my office)

Robotics discovered

Hey! Don't touch that! One of the automated engineers was going to cut down the pheasant forest outside Kronas

Babylonians steal spaceflight! Perhaps we should just give it to the French as well to spare them the trouble...

Plastics discovered

Babylonian diplomat expelled.

Environmentalism discovered

Chineese aquire spaceflight from Babylonians and start building the apollo program! -perhaps we should tell them about the theory of gravity or they might get quite dissapointed when their satellites start falling down.

:nuke: :skull: technology discovered

Babylonian diplomat once again wrapped up in a package marked "return to sender".

Remember the expedition going to this little island? They reached their destination and found out that the people living there are actually the descendants of one of our earliest emperors Talar the Terrible. The spy that went in to investigate came running back, chased by a horde of half-naked savages screaming things like "death to the persians". Their leader was a large bearded man named Talar XIV. :groucho:

One of our wandering spies find the small Trapezus tribe. Living in the far north and having no contact with the outside world they have developed technology matching our level of advancement. Luckily for us they decide to join the Roman empire instead of beating us in a space race.

With the discovery of the "Barbarian island" president Talar V:s dormant warrior genes is awakened and he decide to immediatly resign as president and join his distant relatives. :enlighten :crazyeyes
"War is merely the continuation of policy by other means...[it] is an of force to compel our enemy do our will."
— Carl von Clausewitz, On War

It was an era of escalating conflict. The fragile peace that had until now held the world together was shattered in an instant, calling for a leader that would be able to hold the nation together while defeating the enemies of Rome. And thus it came to pass that Marcus III was elected to power.

1450 AD - Marcus III is elected President of the Roman Empire, sneak attack by Babylonian forces (President denies rumours that there is insanity in his family).

1460 AD - Small city of Bagacum joins Roman Empire, forces on Babylonian continent mobilized for war, Plastics discovered (Parade in Rome fails to amuse crowd; "I told him we should have had more than two tanks," General compains).

1480 AD - Superconductor discovered (Scientists deny spending all their time on the supercomputer playing Quake)

1500 AD - Combined arms discovered, Egypt declares war and activates alliance with Chinese (Scientists admit that they spend all their time on the supercomputer playing Civilization).

1505 AD - Apollo program completed, Byblos captured ("The world IS round!" triumphant explorer declares as he is lynched by mob wanting money back for faulty maps).

1510 AD - Fusion power discovered (Scientists deny that large part of territory outside Caesarea is now completely sterile).

1520 AD - Stealth discovered, all that is left is future technologies, Babylonians steal plastics (President spotted talking with wall! Claims it was the most intelligent conversation he's had all day).

1525 AD - Memphis bribed, cease fire signed with Babylonians (President continues military build up; "The wall told me to," he says).

1535 AD - Giza captured, Abydos destroyed, Peace treaty signed with Sioux ("Peace in our time!" President declares)

1540 AD - Lauriacum founded, Babylonians steal technology, war declared ("I KNEW there was a reason they signed the cease fire in disappearing ink!" Ambassador declares).

1545 AD - Lagash conquered, French attack, French steal Plastics (Roman scientists claim lead in space race; space ship component doesn't explode upon hitting vacuum).

1550 AD - Future technology 1 discovered, Heliopolis captured by subterfuge, Pi-Ramesses captured by subterfuge. Marcus III's term of office expires, and he goes down in history as "Marcus the slightly nutty"

(For those who are interested, the Prime Minister of Canada during World War II, Sir Willian Lyon MacKenzie King, DID talk to walls, and made some of his decisions based on the conversations...just goes to show that truth is always stranger than fiction...)
1550 AD - Magnus the XIV comes to the premiership with the world at war with Rome. We shall destroy them utterly! first thing he does is set taxes to 80% and luxuries to 20%, no need for science with future tech being researched. Profit per turm exceeds 2600 gold. Babylon and Egypt are biluding a spaceship, their capitals and empires will be first on the agenda.

1555 AD - Chinese ask for peace and it is granted.

1560 AD - Egyptian city of El-Armana coerced into joining Rome.

1565 AD - Chinese steal tech and we declare war on them LOL. We love the prez days reinstated by upping luxuries to 30% Babylonian city of Samarra coerced to join Rome. Babylonians ask for peace and are rejected - senate approves! Egyptians sure for peace and are rejected - senate confirms! (hey this democracy thing aint so bad!)

1570 AD - Stealth fighters and paratroopers destroy Babylonian spaceship! Thebes attacked in the same method succcessfully - Egyptian Spaceship destroyed! That's what you get for stealing Roman technology! Egyptians beg for peace but we dismiss them - maybe later but right now we are enjoying this war - senate confirms continued vigilance. Chinese city of Tsingtao captured, as forward base for attacking Beijing. All capitals will fall! Our campaign against the French will develop later.

1575 AD - Sioux develop chivalry.....

1580 AD - Namking razed. & Shanghai conquered by paratroopers.

1585 AD - spaceship update - structural - 11, propulsion - 2, fuel - 2, habitation - 1. we continue at our liesurely pace.

1590 AD - Alexandria coerced to join Rome.

1595 AD - Beijing captured! and they were just beginning work on the spaceship too - tsk tsk.

1600 AD - London is an amusing island - a barbarian city loaded with cannons and musketeers.... glad we didnt build it. or did we?

1605 AD - stealth bomber laden aircraft carrier and marine filled submarines steam toward France.3

1610 AD - Senate overrules and signs cease-fire with Chinese - oh well - it is too late in my realm to have a revolution, so I will swallow the bitter pill. Rouen captured.

1615 AD - preparing for the sack of Paris.

1620 AD - oops barbarians plunder Lauriacum - don't I feel silly - well they DID ask for 23,300 gold before sacking it LOL. CAnton coerced to join Rome - Chinese civilization destroyed. Roman stealth fighter kills WARRIOR defending Paris... they deserve to get pummelled... that was the lone defender of the city! Paris captured by paratroopers! hey we captured the Hanging gardens! Roman marines take Marseilles! France asks for peace and the senate backstabs me again! grrrrrr....

1625 AD - French steal tech from us - we decide to bring some smack down! Magnus tears into the senate for allowing them to survive his mighty legions! Sioux declare war on us, being allied with the French. Chatres captured! Rheims captured! Egyptian city of Hieraconplois captured! Egypt begs for peace (down to once city) Senate overrules my desire for conquest! Magnus orders Elephantine subverted anyway - it is, and Egypt is covertly destroyed! I leave with nearly 27,000 in the treasury! don't spend it all in one place. :D ;)
Election year. As the interest for politics in the Roman empire are virtually nonexistant a senator suggest we make this years election a lottery and make the winner president.

And the winner is... Talar VI :frog:

I just noticed, our reputation is spotless! How did we manage that?

Looks like we are at war, several wars actually. Ok, I'll do my part and conquer a few cities. It's just not very fun to destroy people who can't defend themselves. Perhaps I should give all our tech and about half of our cities to the greeks. Then we could fight a real war!!!
(don't worry, proposal was voted down in senate)

Conquered a few babylonian cities and signed a peace treaty. The second largest army in the world is now the barbarians around London.

peace treaty signed with France (until next time they steal a tech).

The spaceship now have 1 of each module. The perfect christmas gift for someone you don't like - a one-way ticket for Alpha centauri :cool:

Pisae builds Manhattan Project. The next civ that steal one of our techs... :nuke:


French diplomat steal superconductor, how come I'm not surprised...

Sorry Lois, but the penalty of tech stealing was just raised to destruction of your whole civilization. No more French in this game. Anyone else want to steal our tech? No, thought so...


Little Bighorn captured and Sioux spaceship destroyed

Talar VI announce that he will resign as president of the Roman empire. Anyway it was just a part-time job to earn some extra money for his studies.

Sorry, but I did't have the time to play my turns and write up much of a story right now so I decided to send it on to Garwulf instead. The real life can be really annoying sometimes. Especially when it interferes with my civ time

The game will probably end before it's my turn again. Whoever get to finish it - please post the savefile on the last turn before winning so all of us can see the end results.
"We choose to go to Alpha Centauri. We choose to go to Alpha Centauri, and do the other things. Not because they are easy, but because they are hard. Because it is through the pursuit of challenge that the human race will reach its destiny."
— President Ionus F. Cennedius, 1675 AD

It was the dawning of a new age. The world had once again changed, and two of the three great empires were gone. All that was needed was a leader...a man who would bring the empire into the next era of enlightenment and expansion. And thus was elected to the Presidency Ionus F. Cennedius.

1675 AD - Rush on spaceship components (President Cennedius presents challenge to the Roman Aeronotics and Space Administration (RASA): land a space ship at the nearest star within twenty years, or be forced to watch Voyager re-runs for another two decades)

1680 AD - Space ship launched, Killdeer captured, London liberated from the Barbarian Horde (President denies having affair with ten actresses at once; "It was eleven," Cennedius states. "Get your figures straight.")

1681 AD - Cedar Creek captured, Wounded Knee captured, Lauriacum recovered from the Barbarian Horde (Commander sullen after recapture of Lauriacum: "What really annoys me is that they were throwing a keg party when we arrived, and we missed it!")

1682 AD - Akkad defects to Rome, Ur defects to Rome (Last Babylonian city stands firm against Rome: "We have beer, and we know how to use it," Babylonian mayor warns)

1684 AD - Slim Buttes captured ("They weren't that slim!" disgruntled Roman commander complains)

1686 AD - Peace treaty signed with Sioux (Spies warn of plot to give President cancer from smoking the peace pipe, Sioux deny involvement)

1691 AD - Babylon declares war, Spaceship lands (Giant words found on Alpha Centauri! Astronaut swears they say: "THE END")

And thus comes an end to this chronicle of the glorious Roman Empire. It was a tale of insanity, of conquest, of power, of enlightenment. Of great leaders and drunken sots. Of people hitting each other over the head with big sticks for the sheer hell of it, and of elephants. Lots of elephants. But don't fear! Soon you will be able to see this wonderful chronicle on your television set in the all new-miniseries: "Rome: A People's History"...

PRODUCED BY: All-Mighty Frog Puppet Studios

DIRECTED BY: Ridley Scott (Okay, some guy that we picked up off the street who has an English accent and a beard. But we can dream, right?)

PLAYED BY: Robert "Garwulf" Marks
John "John-SJ" Dulleck
Oskar "Talar" Grindemyr

CASTING BY: Bog Rats Inc.

CATERING BY: MacDonald's

FOOD POISONING TREATED BY: Rome General Hospital, Fast Food Ward

SPECIAL THANKS TO: Sid Meier, Garwulf, John-SJ, Magnus, Talar, Bingo the Elephant Trainer, Bongo the Elephant Medic, Bungo the specialist at peeling cast and crew members off the feet of the elephants, Terry Pratchett, The Rome Daily Times, Bun-bun, Zippy the Wonder Mutt, Kagon the axe murderer and animal rights activist, Fanny the coffee girl, the Caffine Overdose Ward of Rome General Hospital, the cast of millions, and everybody who has been reading this game and laughing their heads off.

Great work on that last piece of Roman history Garwulf and thanks to all of you for great stories along the way :goodjob:
Well, another hilairous succession game. For anyone who is intrested, here is the complete succession timeline:

4000 BC - Rome founded (Emperor promises restitution to local shepherd for displacement).

3900 BC - Romans discover Code of Laws (Emperor denies charges that his midnight trysts are the cause of Rome's population explosion)

3840 BC - Map Making discovered by settler unit ("Wow, it's amazing what people will just leave out there," says settler)

3720 BC - Veii founded (Settlers deny allegations they plan to spend all their time surfing)

3680 BC - Dictator Robert I dies and is succeeded (Family attributes Emperor's longevity to viagra and Highlander movies)
3640 - Rome builds a settler unit. Ceremonial Burial discovered. In order to create a more perfect government, we are now researching Monarchy
3520 - Antium founded on ideal site, fertile ground and 2 whale specials and 1 wine special.
3480 - Word arrived at the palace today from our band of armed explorers that it appears that we may actually be living on a relatively small island. Perhaps we should consider further research in the maritime sciences.
3440 - Antium built it's first unit, a warrior band, today.
3420 - Discovered Monarchy, once the people heard of this new government they demanded an immediate change. Now researching Currency so we can begin to fill our warches.. er.. I mean coffers.
3400 - Rome builds settler.

Started turn 3880 (without moving units), John-SJ was proclaimed King of the new Roman Monarchy and on the same day was struck down by a heart attack and died.
3380 BC
science rate raised to 70% (7 beakers per turn - advance in 8 turns)
tax rate lowered to 30% (2 Gold per turn)
production in Rome changed from settler to trireme.
production in Veii remains at settler
production at Antium changed from warrior to settler
workers improving Rome, sent off to found a new city to the south coast where there be silk.

3360 BC
Antuim warroir begins to explore to the west.
Antium will be defended by Non-supported Archer unit.

3340 BC
nothing to report

3320 BC
Cumae founded.
Cumae begins production of warrior unit
Population increase in Antium (Size 2)

3300 BC
Veii build settlers
Veii continues to produce settlers
Population increase in Rome (Size 2)

3280 BC
Population increase in Veii (Size 2)
Population of the Empire is 100,000

3260 BC
Currency Discovered
Scientists instructed to learn Writing
Exploring warrior finds hut in woods
Hut reveals a scientific advance - Mysticism
Site for next Roman city surveyed - just North of Veii

3240 BC
Antium builds settlers
Antium will begin work on a Wonder of the World: The Colossus
Antium settlers head east for proposed city-site.

3220 BC
Cumae builds warriors
Cumae begins production of a settler

3200 BC
Neapolis founded
Neapolis begins production of a warrior unit
Roman Trireme purchased for the sum of 11 Gold

3180 BC
Rome produces trireme which sets sail to the west.
Rome begins work on a Wonder of the World: The Lighthouse
Whale discovered in the harbor of Veii

3160 BC
Pompeii Founded
Pompeii begins warrior production
Population increase in Cumae (size 2)
Population increase in Antium (size 2)

3140 BC
Veii harbor fully explored, trireme heads toward Cumae's harbor
distant warrior explorer finds whale resource at far west of continent
Population increase in Rome (Size 3)

3120 BC
Writing Discovered
Scientists instructed to learn Literacy
Tax rate adjusted up to 40% (8 gold per turn)
Science rate reduced to 60% (12 beakers per turn) advances in 8 turns

3100 BC
Neapolis produces warriors
Neapolis production cahnged to settlers
Cumae harbor fully explored - no specials
Settlers purchased in Veii for 13 Gold
A group of settlers from Veii is sent to colonize westwards.

Trireme sets of to the east in order to explore strange new worlds and go where no trireme has gone before as quoted by Emperor Talar the Terrible.

The warriors exploring the far west now turns north.

The collossus project in Antium is progressing slowly as the workers since the the Death of former emperor Magnus of Antium must step carefully around the construction site to avoid disturbing his burial mound.

Emperor Talar the Terrible finds the collossus idea compelling: A giant statue of me with the former emperor lying dead at my feet!

Settlers discover a small village just west of Veii!

The issue is heavily debated: Should we approach the village? It might be bloodthirsty barbarians living there. Talar the Terrible settles the issue by declaring:

We, the Romans are the most powerful people under the sun. We are not to be afraid of anyone! Enter that village, raze and plunder until nothing remains!

Said and done, the peaceful tribe of fishermen living in the village is slaughtered without mercy. In the meantime emperor Talar the Terrible educates his coward citizens in the art of war. This results in the concept of "Warrior code".

Later that turn St. Augustine confirms what Talar knew all along: The Roman empire is the most powerful in the world.

More grapes discovered west of Neapolis
Trireme discovers coal on the continent NE of roman mainland.
Warrior confirms that we are living on a island.
Talar the Terrible declares: Grapes is not enough, a petty island is not enough for me to rule! I want that coal. We are to conquer the continent to the northeast.

Roman empire now exceeds 200.000 citizens!
The city of Pisae is founded.

Cumae builds settlers. As the population are growing Talar the Terrible order the construction of a temple to keep them in order and some farms to feed them. After all, more people means bigger army.

Roman wise men discover literacy. Bah! Scribbling signs on a piece of parchment. What's that supposed to be good for? I want better weapons for my army, go and do some real research Talar the Terrible orders the "wise men". Science advisor Wimpy is immediatly executed for being generally useless. Hmmm... I think he should be replaced by that St. Augustine, he seemed to have better ideas.

What emperor Talar doesn't know is that the wise men in secrecy are pondering philosophical matters instead of making better weapons. They believe the power of mind to be greater than that of the sword arm.

The coastline of that NE continent looks promising.

Really promising indeed. Some settlers from Pompeii will be relocated there to settle and provide a base for the troops I will send to conquer the continent.

Settlers from Pompeii departs for the new world "as steady as she goes".

Nothing really happens. Emperor Talar orders the chopping of a few heads at the town square in Rome to pass the time.

The word is that some people called the egyptians have started the construction of some large triangular objects. Roman wise men assure that it is nothing to worry about. They won't be capable of making anything properly triangular as they surely don't know the mathematical formulas required.

Roman settlers land at the northeastern continent.

Talar the Terrible now want the trireme to go find some of thoose egyptians or whatever people it might come across. How can I be properly feared if other people don't know about me?

The warriors that was exploring the western side of our island now heads towards Pisae to defend it from attacks and chop some heads if the population becomes disobedient.

The settlers at the new continent just made contact with the persians! From the persians we learned the knowledge of Horseback Riding. Why do I keep thoose wise men around anyway when they can't come up with a simple idea like that? The first thing I'll do when I get back to Rome is executing the whole bunch of them.

Talar the Terrible also signs a big X on a piece of parchment (he never liked that literacy thing but it seemed like an important ritual to the persians).

The emperor personally oversees the founding of the city Talarium on the new continent. On the way back to the Roman mainland Talar the Terrible spend the time dreaming about how his armies will conquer the rest of this continent and enslave the persians and other people. Unfortunately, on the way back to Rome the emperors boat is eaten by a whale and the Roman empire now stands without emperor!
2800 BC - Imperator Robert II comes to power, declares there will now be sanity in government, and resets the tax rate for more science (Emperor denies allegations of whale-bribing)

2780 BC - Cumae ordered to build Oracle (Imperator announces plans to marry Matilda, his horse)

2740 BC - Romans discover Philosophy, Masonry, and begin working on Trade (Imperator divorces horse for infidelity)

2700 BC - Neapolis builds settlers, begins work on marketplace (Robert II declares he will build a flying machine, denies rumors of his fermenting rebellion in colony)

2680 BC - Veii finishes temple, Imperator orders construction of Great Library (Veii residents deny that the temple took so long because everybody was too busy surfing)

2640 BC - Hispalis and Viroconium founded (Imperator narrowly escapes attack on his life, Matilda the horse suspected as mastermind)

2620 BC - Pisae builds settlers, begins building marketplace (Pisan architect denies building crooked tower solely for tourist trade)

2600 BC - Pompei builds settlers, begins building marketplace (Mayor of Pompei denies that local Volcano is anything to worry about)

2580 BC - First Persian city discovered (Imperator declares day of celebration to commemorate his discovery of a quarter under his bed)

2540 BC - Rome builds Lighthouse, begins working on Great Library ("We won't let those surfer twirps have all the fun!" mayor of Rome vows)

2520 BC - Trade discovered, philosophers begin working on Iron Working; Antium builds Colossus, begins working on Marco Polo's Embassy, Veii changes from Great Library to Pyramids; Talarium builds phalanx, begins building diplomat; Imperator Robert II apparently attempts to fly off Lighthouse, but forgets to use flying machine, and becomes a human pancake (Foul play suspected in Imperator's death, Matilda the horse denies involvement)
2500 When I, Sanjay the first rose to power I did an assessment of the empire to prepare for my first "State Of The Empire" address. For the most part I see that the empire is working like a well oiled machine but I did notice one thing that was disturbing to me, our scientific research is very, very slow! Therefore, I have issued the decree to focus our workers on bringing our research output up to a higher level. First, I have ended the Marco Polo project at Antium. Second, I have ordered all settler units to begin placing roads in the vicinity of each city concentrating on the higher population cities first.
2460 Antium, rush buy library
2420 Entered into diplomatic discussions with the Persian ambassador. We traded with them in order to acquire Polytheism, gifted another tech and then convinced them that it was in our mutual best interest to trade world maps.
2380 The empire's plans are going well. When I began as leader of our empire scientific advances took 11 turns, now advances come every 8 turns. I have also commanded the Rome to cease it's work on the Great Library and take up with Marco Polo at once. With the trade improvements that are now under way we will not need the help of the Great Library anyway.
2340 Our wise men have brought us knowledge of Iron Working. I immediately directed our scientists to continue their studies in the area of Construction. Republic was also a tempting possibility but I feel that our monarchy is working well for us at this time.
2280 Antium, Caravan
2260 Antium, rush buy Caravan. Our so called "friends" the Persians have just attacked us without provocation and declared war on us. This attack will not be taken lightly. Already our outpost at Talarium has produced a war elephant unit to teach this Persian scum a lesson!
2240 Talarium attacked by War Elephant sent by the despicable Persian ruler. We lost our fortified legion but they lost their elephant in the counter-attack. We also found it prudent to pillage the road between Talarium and the nearest Persian city so they will no longer be able to make full strength attacks in a single turn.
2220 The succession continues.
2200 BC
Barracks built in Pisae, Pompeii & Neapolis. They all begin to create war elephant units
Persian Horesman defeats Roman Elephants! Kronos survives to move back to the defense of Talarium!
Roman Trireme rushes to the defense of Talarium, just sliding into the port! A vast Persian Army is moving swiftly towards the city!
Antium Beads caravan sneaks into the enemy city of Persepolis generating 52 gold for the Empire, following right behind is a Hides caravan and it profits an additional 52 gold.
Virconium produces a veteran WAR TRIMERE, it is fileld with a phlanx unit to help in the war effort but will it arrive in time? Virconium begins constructing barracks.

Let me know if you want me to keep going.
Sorry about the long post. This site dosen't allow word document attachments. I will edit out the last post if you think it is spam. (I do not.)
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