Suggested change: Dragon Mountain


Oct 1, 2002
This is more of a cosmetic change than anything else. Right now, as I understand it, the barbarian AI makes a number of towns, and one of them gets Acheron...sometimes right next to where I am plotting my next city, and occasionally right on top of a valuable resource. :cry:

My idea is to give Acheron his own unique improvement feature (would need to act as a city). Acheron, his town, and the crazy fire wizards all spawn from this unique feature. I imagine it would look like a tall evil-looking mountain that has properties like a hill.

Of course, clicking "no acheron" still keeps the dragon from coming, but maybe the unique feature could still generate a city with the wizards?
Currently Acheron has to be trained in a barbarian city, which requires spending :hammers:. He does not just appear on his own. Once he is built, this triggers some python code that gives him the held promotion, gives the city that built him the Dragons Hoard building, and places flames nearby. The Disciples of Acheron and Sons of the Inferno are created by a python call that runs each turn in a barbarian city with the Dragons Hoard.

It would certainly be possible to change this so that it instead works through a random event, which the No Acheron game option could block. The event would use python to add a special "Dragon Mountain" improvement along with Acheron himself. The improvement could be made to randomly spawn Disciples of Acheron the same way that Barrows spawn Skeletons. (It could also be made an explorable lair if you like.) The improvement could not be set to spawn both types of dragon disciples, but the lesser one could be given a spell (like that the AI can use to upgrade Skeletons to Spectres and Spectres to Wraiths) to upgrade to the greater. Improvements can randomly create features (like Smoke creates Flames), but this would remove the feature, so it would be better for the flames to still be added in python.
That sounds incredibly close to what I envisioned. Maybe this could be independent of Acheron...I was hoping it could be more of a city like the super forts.

It could also be made an explorable lair if you like.

Now I want to explore this just to see if I spawn the one ring at the end...
The <bActsAsCity>1</bActsAsCity> tag is always available for improvements. It is used by forts in BtS. It makes it possible for ships to pass through the improvement if it borders water, and gives units on the tile the same defensive bonus they would get in cities.

The <bSuperFort>1</bSuperFort> tag added in More Naval AI causes an improvement to count as if it has <bActsAsCity>1</bActsAsCity> when the Advanced Tactics game option is active, and it also allows the improvement to have its own cultural borders. How much culture it gets is controlled by the <iCulture> and<iCultureRange> tags. The ability to reduce its defenses through bombardment (like a city) is controlled by <bBombardable>. Extra visibility could be given by the <iSeeFrom> tag.

If your modmod is based on More Naval AI, then the Dragon Mountain can easily count as a superfort while that game option is active. You can give it the bActAsCity tag too if you want it to act as a city (without the cultural borders) still when the game option is not active. There is no reason why a superfort cannot still be an explorable lair.

(The Hellfire improvement acts as both an explorable lair and a superfort in my modmod. I also set things up in python so that Hellfire can only be under the control of the Barbarians, Infernals, or a player with the AV state religion. If anyone else captures it as a superfort, it will revert to barbarian control. If it is under barbarian control, an infernal unit can still capture it despite peace with the barbarian state.)

For some reason it seems to me to be appropriate for Acheron's lair to provide Fire mana, which is very easy to do if it is an improvement.

The <iUnique>1</iUnique> tag would make the improvement a unique feature, which would be randomly placed on the map at the start of the game. (Normally it would have a chance of being placed there which is based on map size, but the chance would be 100% if the All Unique Features game option is selected.)

I believe I have played with some map scripts that randomly place multiple copies of improvements that are not marked as Unique. You might have to be careful with that if you don't want the Dragon Mountain to appear until the event is triggered.

Originally only 0 and 1 meant anything in that tag, but I believe Tholal changed it so that higher integers indicate a minimum number of tiles that are required between it and another such improvement.

You could make it so that the improvement appears on the map of the beginning, but the dragon does not show up until later. (Note that his might cause Disciples of Acheron to spawn much earlier and be more dangerous through.) He could still be created by an event (which could be set to occur only if the improvement is on the map), or it could be made a result of exploring the lair. These options are not exclusive, as it would be easy to make the event only get triggered if Acheron had not yet been created from exploring his lair. You could also make the lair exploration work by triggering the event, but that gets a little more complicated.

It is fairly easy to edit def exploreLair[BigBad/Bad/NeutralGood/BigGood](self, pCaster): in so as to add special exploration results that are unique to exploring a specific lair.

p.s. Why should The One Ring be found in a dragon's lair? Bilbo Baggins found it in a cavern below the Misty Mountains, long before he ever reached the lair of Smaug under the Lonely Mountain.
You give me too much credit, sir, I am not a modder. :)

Anyways, I always pictured Golum's lair being beneath Smaugs.
...Anyways, I always pictured Golum's lair being beneath Smaugs.

*Holds back correcting LotR lore*

/me thinks that one never looked at the map that is at the beginning of "the Hobbit" ... ...
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