The Gentlemen's Club

Throw me a bottle of Don Perrion and a back room special, oh and sign me up for the drinking game.

$395, and you get all my Rebel Pub rights:p
Contract Transfer, the free drinks and the 5 gold, thus bringing the value well OVER $400;)

And it would save you and BCLG a headache
Hmm I'm BCLG's #1 customer, so I don't want any of that.

Better yet, instead of selling it to you, maybe you should become a business partner. I'll sell you a 50% share at 200 Gold, and we will split the profits. I mean, I already have the business set-up and paid phenominal starting fees on it, and you may have the influence to attract people here. What do you say we become partners?
Nah, I'll give you the $400 and take full control;)

You drive a hard bargain though. And i have decided to drop all this Hurrican Strider nonsense. The past is the past:goodjob:
Aww, what if I let you in on busines partner for 100 gold and you get 50% of the taking?

Note: If you wil accept to that, we still can negotiate a sale of the business tranfering it fully in your name at any time.
Deal, 100 gold for a 50% share.

YOu have sold your soul to the devil:evil:
Kidding, welcome. Now do you have AIM, i wanna talk some strategy with you.:D
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All memberships have been canceled!!!

Please rejoin under our new pricing.

All drinks are now free if you are a member.

All services are now half off if you are a member.

You must sign up again for the drinking game if you wish to participate.

All drinks for the drinking game are free!
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