The History of the Austrian Empire


The filidh that cam frae Skye
Sep 24, 2007
Trotland the Brave
The History of the Austrian Empire

I finally managed to get Earth: 34 Civs to actually play 34 civs ([party]), I decided to play a game with it. I already started trying a story on Earth 34 Civs, but the computer froze! :mad: So now, here's my second story on Earth: 34 Civs. For this game, I decided to play the civ that everyone seems to love :sarcasm: : Holy Rome, though I have renamed the country Austria, as this pic shows:


On this map, I added a Warrior and a city to England, France, Spain, Holland/Netherlands and Portugal in the general locations of Ottawa, Quebec, Houston and Rio de Janeiro, and I also moved Turkey from Anatolia to the east Kazakhstan/Kyrgyzstan region, and fixed the Hellespoint, and split up the minor continent that existed in the Spice Islands.

And we're ready to go!
My 1st action in the game was to move my settler north to the general region of Austria, and I founded my 1st city, Wien (the German name for Vienna) in the next turn, before beelining to Gunpowder:

My scout explored some land, and thanks to my situation in Central Europe, I met virtually every mainland European civ north of the Pyrenees. I built a warrior to fortify in the city, and built a settler to colonize the only place I can colonize: Ukraine. I built my second city, Odesa, in about 4 turns:

note: this was a few turns after I built Odesa.

In 1960 BC, I happene to have founded Judaism after researching Monotheism (what did you expect?) It's founded in Odesa. I convert not too long after, and then Organized Religion.
nice start. MOAR!!!

P.S. farsight, how did you get Earth34 to actually play 34 civs?
And where to download the mod?
Link please.:undecide:
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