• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The Mysterious Robotic Mini-Space Shuttle: X-37B

I won't pretend NASA is a particularly effective agency, because it is not. But this isn't its main problem.

The main problem is

a) lack of a long term vision
b) lack of funding to support such a vision
c) lack of political support to ensure the funds don't get cut every 4 years

This is why NASA can't do the really big things in space - they are expensive and require long periods of planning and preparations, which is risky because the longer something takes, the higher the chance someone in the White House or the Capitol becomes convinced that NASA is too rich and should have its budget slashed.
And with the Cold War over, there's less support for keeping the high ground.
Yeah. The internet never would have happened if it weren't for the trillions the US has spent on "defense".
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