understanding difficulty setting for AI


May 16, 2009
do all AI share the picked difficulty level? For instance, if I play Greece, does USSR and UK get 'deity' bonuses or do only Germany and Italy? I'm not really certain if difficulty level selection means that much or not? I wonder if it actually gimps Germany to pick Deity in cases where I play someone like Greece.
All AIs play at "Prince" level (the difficulty level has an effect on the base reinforcements values too) whatever the player's difficulty level.

But (IIRC the code, long time I've not looked on that part) note that on some of the maps, the AI get more units at start except if it's sided with a human player (which means that in hotseat you can have all AIs with no unit's bonus...)
Russians are they considered as Allies for the bonuses ? I mean are they going to have bonuses if I play with France or UK ?
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