units start on the same tile - at gamestart

You could do this in Python I think by moving all non-Settler units to the same plot that the Settler is on in the GameStart event. I don't know if you can easily roll-back the exposed fog-of-war. I believe you and setReveal(False) the plots, but you'd need to calculate the correct exposed plots.
In CvPlayer::addFreeUnit, deactivate the whole "if (isHuman())" code:

Spoiler :
/*		if (isHuman())
			long lResult=0;
			gDLL->getPythonIFace()->callFunction(gDLL->getPythonIFace()->getMapScriptModule(), "startHumansOnSameTile", NULL, &lResult);
			if (lResult == 0)
				if (!(GC.getUnitInfo(eUnit).isFound()))
					iRandOffset = GC.getGameINLINE().getSorenRandNum(NUM_CITY_PLOTS, "Place Units (Player)");

					for (iI = 0; iI < NUM_CITY_PLOTS; iI++)
						pLoopPlot = plotCity(pStartingPlot->getX_INLINE(), pStartingPlot->getY_INLINE(), ((iI + iRandOffset) % NUM_CITY_PLOTS));

						if (pLoopPlot != NULL)
							if (pLoopPlot->getArea() == pStartingPlot->getArea())
								if (!(pLoopPlot->isImpassable()))
									if (!(pLoopPlot->isUnit()))
										if (!(pLoopPlot->isGoody()))
											pBestPlot = pLoopPlot;
Yeah, he's saying just comment it out with /* at the start and */ at the end of the isHuman code (as shown in his example). Everything within the comment tags gets commented out. You could also just delete that whole block, as far as the compiler is concerned, it's the same thing.
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