What do you seek for 1st colony?


May 24, 2009
This part of the forum is almost dead, so lets try to make some new topics. :)

I usually try to find hill on a coast with two food resources and two forests.
Of course I won't get this often, but that is what I'm always hoping for.
The problem with this part of the forum may be that most people nowadays are playing mods and no longer the vanilla game. :)
What I look for in my 1st colony site (in priority order) is:

1 - Five tiles from sea lane to Europe
2 - Coastal food resource
3 - Forest
4 - Hill
5 - Land food resource
6 - River

The first three are pretty much mandatory, one or two of the rest would be nice.
Not only should you have a fast route to Europe, but it's also important to grab the first suitable settlement spot you see. Your later settlements can try for perfection but at the beginning speed counts. Wasting early turns means you'll have a smaller navy at the end when the King's ships arrive.
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