What if predynastic Egypt was overrun by Nubians?

Manco Capac

Friday,13 June,I Collapse
Mar 1, 2010
Africa is the cradle of humanity and civilization. Starting in the ethiopian savannas, at this time, humanity was certainly tagged as an endangered specie. Over time, from its primate form, it stood up to be able to look over the savanna bushes, freeing their hands to manipulate the world surrounding them. This triggered the long adventure of humanity.

Nonetheless, one obstacle remained for humanity spread and it was the Sahara desert. Harsh and arid, it wasn't a place to wade through without reason when survival was already hard elsewhere.
Periodically, the Sahara entered wet and arid phases. During those wet phases, humanity could ooze out elsewhere in the world.

Our stares now focus on the particular wet phase of 8000 years ago (BP: Before Present), which is 6000BCE.

Savannas were far more widespread into the huge desert, which favored pastoralism all over it. Nubians participated actively to the agricultural revolution near the Nile.

Nonetheless, good things never last and the Sahara was already clothing back with its sandy mantle.

At this point, we are following a small group of proto-nubian men and women that will build a great civilization over time. The constraints imposed by the climate changes made the civilization process almost inevitable.
This historical tale exploits the imbroglio regarding the pre-dynastic era of Egypt. Before hieroglyphic writing shed light on the dynastic history, many unknown wars were fought amidst the city-states. It is admitted by scholars Lower and Upper Egypt final touch to the forced unification was brought by Narmer/Menes, which is narrated on the Narmer palette.

Let's comment exhaustively that palette reprensenting the turning point of Egypt I'm about to erase for the tale sake.

It basically relates the victory of Narmer from Thinis. Why is he called both Narmer and Menes? The name Narmer is potentially his real name while Menes is attributed to Manethon, a priest near 300BC of the ptolemaic period (i.e. dominion of Greece after Alexander the Great) who wrote the entire dynastic history of Egypt. He wrote Menes is the founder of the first dynasty of the unified Egypt. Following the findings of the Narmer Palette by two british archeologists, the interpretation of the palette left no doubt that dude holding the mace and a woe vanquished was the mythological Menes. Nevertheless, there was a hiccup. The front face of the palette (refer to the images) had hieroglyphic inscriptions near the second dude wearing another crown (which is still Narmer) that didn't befit to Menes. Here is a zooming:

Reading downward (that's the only way to read hieroglyphs vertically), there are two signs: something resembling a fish and another one resembling the extremity of a pen. In fact, it's the "catfish" hieroglyph along the "drill/chisel" one.

From left to right. The catfish and drill hieroglyphs.

Phonetically, it's n'r(the catfish) + mr (the drill). Why the lack of vowels? Like most semitic languages (Sumerian, Babylonian, Hebrew, Arabic, etc.), there are none and one can easily see how semitic languages influenced each others.
Then, how to pronounce a purely consonant language? In fact, there were vowels, but only said orally. It's per memory ancient Egyptians pronounced hieroglyphs like Arabs do the same while reading arabic. Consequently, like the real pronounciation of YHWH (Yahweh, the hebraic unique God), we cannot name the ancient egyptian words like the ancient did. For common use, it's arbitrarily chosen.
So Narmer is Catfish King? In fact, the catfish the ancient Egyptians referred to is the nilotic Malapterurus Electricus.

Catfish: Do you want to cuddle me?​

In the end, Narmer meant figuratively "the mighty catfish that drills through the enemy like a bull". Given the stunning ability of the ancient catfish, Egyptians likely did pay great respect to the wild animal and deified it. Plus, regarding the "bull" part, refer to double images explaining the Palette: you'll see the Narmer-bull piercing its foes.

Finally, to add the final touch in this zoo of mighty animals, the mace Narmer is holding is called the Scorpion mace, another fearsome "animal" ancient paid respect to.

In a nutshell, Narmer, at the back of the Palette, destroys his enemy along Horus (the falcon holding a head) and he's weating the Upper Egypt white crown called the Hedjet. At the front side, Narmer is now wearing the Lower Egypt red crown (called the Deshret, literally meaning "red) in front of his vanquished enemy, meaning he has dominated the Lower Egypt. Hence is born the Pschent, which is the royal crown worn by later pharaohs to represent their domination over the two Egypts.

Narmer was from Thinis () and he was the warlord of this small settlement originally. Succeeding pharaohs of two first dynasties were then called the thinite pharaohs.

This is the closure of this historical moment that heralded the historical (and dynastic) Egypt.
Is Narmer the one who by himself conquered entirely Lower Egypt? Nope. Skirmishes occurred over a period before him and he just was the one who made the finishing move (C-C-C-Combo Breaker!). Like Einstein and his Relativity Theory (because many people worked on this before him), we tend historically to remember the one finalizing something.

Many skirmishes happened in the prehistory of Egypt and what happened is lost (or to be found). Perhaps there were critical moments not mentioned that could have changed the face of Ancient Egypt for good.

Another interesting point is: Are ancient Egyptians white people? In fact, the first dynasties were far closer to Negroids than the mainstream vision of Egyptians. It happened upon continuous contacts with Libyans and Asians (Middle East people), Egypt whitened. Mulattos? Perhaps. But, originally, few aspects separated Nubians from Egyptians.
It's possible many individuals from Nubia deeply affected the predynastic Egypt. Who knows?

Still, for the tale sake, let's assume there was another pivotal war that happened before Narmer between the southerners (Nubians) and Ancient Egyptians that led to the loss of Egypt, meaning Narmer never came forth for unifying himself Egypt.

It is the Nubian Egypt.​

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Wow, this looks great! Subbed and eagerly awaiting the first installment!
Another introductory speech is necessary to grasp the political organization of the nilotic region.

Historically speaking, it happens a long time ago, people living in the Sahara were all into pastoralism, but were forced to migrate in different directions due to climate changes. Some tribes went south, west, north or east. Those arriving to the nilotic likely had met some natives (like the Bantu pushing the Khoisans who were the natives), but that is even more lost to prehistory.

The desert progressions went so far the banks of the Nile were the only last strips of the land affording good crops thanks to the Nile floods rich in silt.

A spectrum of people lived by the banks of the Nile. Before the implementation of a centralized state by Narmer (Catfish King), Egypt suffered just like Mesopotamia of a eternal warfare between city-states. Nonetheless, it happened some fragile coalitions may bonded a serie of city-states around a strong one, forming the Lower Egypt and the Upper Egypt.

But beneath the Upper Egypt (i.e. non-delta Egypt), what lies there? One modern word: Nubia. Multiple names before depending the period.

Nubia bore many names, all of which came from Egypt who had writing 2300 years before the Nubia came with their own one: Meroitic hieroglyphs.

Egypt's Ancient history is separated into three great historical blocks of pharaonic stability.

Old Kingdom [2686–2181 BC]
Middle Kingdom [2055–1650 BC]
New Empire [1550–1069 BC]

Each period, Egypt labelled Nubia in its own term.

Old Kingdom

During this period, the contacts with Nubia were starting. Many commercials exchanges were done like obtaining deep african goodies (wood, gold, panther skin, etc.) for egyptian goodies (crops, wine, etc.). Some wars happened too since relationships during ancient times are always tumultuous.

One denomination for Nubians was Ta-Seti, which means the "land of Bow" because of the extreme reputation of Nubians being excellent bowmen.

Have you noticed the bow hieroglyph.​

Looking at the administrative organization of Egypt (each "province" being called "Nome"), the first one (at the extreme south) is the Ta-Seti nome, which is kinda near Nubia, isn't it?

Spoiler :

Otherwise, Nubia had other names. Take this excerpt:

Now when I had pacified the chief of Yam...below Irthet and above Sethu, I found
the chief of Irthet, Sethu and Wawat . . . I descended with 300 asses laden with
incense, ebony, heknu, grain, panthers . . . ivory, [throw sticks] and every good
product. Now when the chief of Irthet, Sethu, and Wawat saw how strong and
numerous was the troop of Yam, which descended with me to the court, and the
soldiers who had been sent with me, (then) this [chief] brought and gave to me
bulls and small cattle, and conducted me to the roads of the highland of
Irthet. . . .

We simply infer, there wasn't one Nubia, but a number of tribes.

Like Egypt, it wasn't unified yet under the charisma of one strong individual.

Middle Kingdom

The Middle Kingdom was heralded by Mentuhotep II, considered the second greatest pharaoh besides Narmer, for unifying Egypt once again after a long period of instability and power skirmishes. His stela named the southern region of the first nome as Kush.

Nubia was finally "represented" as a political entity as the hieroglyph indicates. It is the "foreign hilly country" sign. Ancient Egyptians represented other political entities as hilly desertic regions and that comes without surprise as almost 360 degrees of the Nilotic banks are reddish and yellowish dunes. In color, that hieroglyph had a strip of green below the hill, meaning it was the lush nilotic banks, reinforcing everywhere except Ancient Egypt was foreign and desertic.

New Empire

The term Nubia started to take its convention during the New Empire although Kush was already commonly accepted. Coming from the term NBW (Nuba), meaning gold, it is directly directed to the use of the Nubians to extract gold for the glory of Egypt. There is another theory about a later tribe named the Nouba, but that's another story.
Finally, there is also the denomination: Ta-Nehesyu, literally meaning "The Southerner". You see ancient Egyptians didn't wring their tongue and brain while naming their neighbours.

From Nubians POV, what are they?​

We don't know until near 800BC. They hadn't any writing system before to narrate their exploits. But excavations made by the greatest Egyptologist named George Reisner and successors gave several inklings what happened to them without the biased lens of the Egyptians (because propaganda existed for all periods of history).

The last pending question is why Egypt created the hieroglyphic system while Nubians did so millenia later despite the second knowing them due to the multiple commercial exchanges. The reason lies not in the ethnology, but the pressing needs. Nubia had large zones of savanna to feed their pastoralist economy while Egypt was under pressure of a large population for a small surface of fertile lands. As any conjuncture of food distribution when starvation happens, the fertile nilotic banks had to be shared with organization so everyone had their strip to grow crops. Severe administration needs writing. Nubians didn't have the need since their available lands for cattle were larger.
Basically, if Nubians happened in the same nilotic region as Narmer, the story would have unfolded with many similarities.

Here we go.
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