Who will you play as first?

I'll pick Polynesia, and then I'll include all the BNW civs in a large archipelago map and just sail away on a diplomatic luau-spree. :)
I'm still all in for Brazil, but with the culture system being so heavily altered I guess Poland would be a better choice for trying out the new mechanics.

Going for a cultural victory in the first game though, definitely. With the Freedom ideology. And the second game will probably be a warmongering Autocracy game. I want to see the ideology quips from other leaders, similar to Order's 5-Year Plan comment seen in one of the screenshots!
At first I was going to go Brazil because I love tile-specific shenanigans and high excess happiness, but more and more I'm interested in Venice.

Using a single real city with an empire of puppets would really change how I look at the board: I'm just not sure how powerful the extra trade routes will be yet.
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