Yet another good vampire?

As it seems Kro'Mear will anyway be removed and a certain Elena will be added instead with an own mechanic that explains how a Calabim leader can be good (at least I conclude this from her having the "Redeeming" trait). I'm curious to know what this will be.
P.S.: What I wrote isn't her story, but my closest guess for a way how devouring souls can possible not be regarded absolutely despicable.
Here's a better backstory:

Kro'Mear (edit: Elena) was the original founder of the Black Ribboners of Erebus (BRE). Members of this sect make the pledge, "not vun drop," and actively follow the 12 step program. BRE meetings typically include a nice cup of tea and a sing-song.
I think if and only if you know why a leader is deviating from his civ's alignment these leaders can enrich the game.
If Kro'Mear openly offers to people to let their souls to be devoured and makes it clear that there won't be an afterlife for them, but they will get paradise on Erebus instead by getting all that they want in life and that she won't force anyone if he doesn't want to, is she good or a damn hypocrit that thinks it play god by believing to be able to emulate a god's paradise? I don't know much about the ritual of devouring souls. Is it very painful to lose his soul? If you don't have to suffer eternal torment like in hell this offer should be very tempting for a lot of people (especially if there is an active propaganda for it...).

Tebryn should have a talk with her.
hi. delurking after many months :mischief:

For a new player especially, evil bannor just seem kind of ridiculous. It used to happen in base FFH as leaders adopted any old religion but in WildMana that issue is mostly fixed.

Currently the only way to bypass the leaders with odd alignments is by selecting individual leaders for the game. A 'No unfamiliar faces' option would do (not sure where I saw that) or something similar. Should really be turned on by default so new players get a straight game.
I'd extend DonQuigleone's idea to other leaders. Instead of having vamp and orc leaders start out good (if you must insist on having them), just make them very likely to be "redeemed" to good by Junil, or partly redeemed by another god, by using a strong religious preference. And have the converse for a few new leaders of good civs. This would be much more organic feeling (and who cares anyway if the initial alignments are balanced; it's how the game unfolds that matters).

I probably remove the good clan leader and add a neutral one with a high RoK preference. Initial alignments matter a lot though since the AI builds there long term strategy around alignments (same alignments are likely to work together). So if the good evil ratio were 2:1 then almost allways good leaders would dominate the battle.
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