"Your Lands Belong To Me"


Jul 18, 2002
Illinois, USA
I am playing the SFA scenario and just saw this diplo modifier for the Zulu to me...I am assuming it is just for the scenario, but found it funny regardless.
Yeah, it's an SFA-exclusive diplo modifier. I know all the Europeans have it for the African civs and the Zulu have it for everyone, and IIRC the North Africans don't have it at all and will stay friendly with you as long as you don't DOW them (they don't even seem to particularly care about you going after the other North Africans strangely enough). I can't speak for the Boers/Ethiopia.

It's great because it's such a heavy modifier that it basically guarantees that everyone is going to DOW somebody by turn 10, even on lower difficulties. :lol:
I am playing the SFA scenario and just saw this diplo modifier for the Zulu to me...I am assuming it is just for the scenario, but found it funny regardless.

As the northern African nations, you also get Europeans coming to you saying "We demand you stop settling near our lands" :p

Yeah because, we haven't like, lived her for ever. We JUST settled :p
Does Italy get this modifier too? Out of three SFA games I played he has only managed to declare war on the ottomans once.. obviously he is pretty crippled if he doesnt smash right through them or egypt. In my last go as france on king he even made a DOF with the ottomans and they gave him open borders! The entire italian army was obstructing my path as I was trying to conquer the ottomans for myself. The only reason I mention it is that italy becomes little more than an annoying roadblock if he fails to declare war on the ottomans because he will decide the Europeans are stupid for attacking the natives and denounce everyone. of course then if you are france or england and maybe wanted to use your western fleet to smash the ottomans/egyptians you will be unable go any farther than tunis without his open borders which btw your not getting. I never notice any other european civ fail to declare war but italy and it completely ruins his game. Anyone else had this experience?
Does Italy get this modifier too? Out of three SFA games I played he has only managed to declare war on the ottomans once.. obviously he is pretty crippled if he doesnt smash right through them or egypt. In my last go as france on king he even made a DOF with the ottomans and they gave him open borders! The entire italian army was obstructing my path as I was trying to conquer the ottomans for myself. The only reason I mention it is that italy becomes little more than an annoying roadblock if he fails to declare war on the ottomans because he will decide the Europeans are stupid for attacking the natives and denounce everyone. of course then if you are france or england and maybe wanted to use your western fleet to smash the ottomans/egyptians you will be unable go any farther than tunis without his open borders which btw your not getting. I never notice any other european civ fail to declare war but italy and it completely ruins his game. Anyone else had this experience?

Oh ai vs ai handles differently than player vs ai.

Take Ethiopia. Play them on Deity and every nation (save north Africans) will declare war on you a few rounds after meeting you.

When playing as any other nation, Ethiopia will sit quiet in their corner, slowly turtle to a score 2k higher than the 2nd place, and the only one to ever declare war on them will be you, and whoever you can bribe (ie you're not at war with yourself).
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