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SGOTM 12 - One Short Straw

I have a spy that will be there in 2 turns from Moscow. He should do the trick. I'll slow build the one in Bananas for now as a backup.
no big deal just take care of Churchill for me. Will you have units to spare to start trekking to Rosey?

Can you build a war elephant/pikeman or 2 for Rosey if it looks like we might start that war in 6-8 turns?

How long did it take Rosey to tech RP, can we guess at his tech rate? and guess when he is going to get Riflery?

related question
(Can we steal military science from Stalin?), is the caravel going to explore the ICBM situation with Stalin I hope?
Astro. The others we would only steal and partial beakers have no effect on the EP cost. It's conceivable both Roosy and Gandhi will research Astro and we cna trade for it.
Mil Sci would cost us under 500EPs but we'll have to quickly find Mao another home, before Stalin settles his 4th city.
Sid's is ours!! +10:food:/turn in Fish. :) And it will only get better.

-38.61:gold: maintenance! :eek: I want my courthouse... After an executive for Moscow, which got its courthouse last turn.
Confused missionary fails in Bahamas. Freeekin Taoism spread! :cry:

No resource trades with Gandhi and Roosevelt yet. It may show up next turn.
How exactly how many epp will I need to steal RP in Troy?

-40% SR
-37% culture
+12% distance
-50% stationary
-2% epp spending

I could check it but I'm busy. I want to move up the slider to be able to steal it next turn. I just got all of my Kremlin fail gold. :D
When did Rosey finish Corporation?

I think he went Corporation-->replaceable parts right?
What is his tech rate?

end of bpp's turn? 40 pages ago :lol:
so Rosey took ~8 turns for Replaceable Parts
~10 turns for riflery
Strange. Roosy will trade Replacable Parts for Chem plus 470 gold. Nope, we're taking it, right?

Is there a deal without us giving up cash? That would be fine by me. RepParts opens no wonders, no units, etc., so I assume it's just like Alpha in that AIs will trade it as monopoly.
Is there a deal without us giving up cash? That would be fine by me. RepParts opens no wonders, no units, etc., so I assume it's just like Alpha in that AIs will trade it as monopoly.

Well, we have the EPP to take it for "free". Why else do we need those epp points? Plus, using up our gold slows down Railroads.
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